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"We keep forgetting the one thing we should do."  I say.

The look at me, all strapped up.

"And what's that?" Odeo asks.


Odeo runs a hand through his already messed up hair and nods. "We definitely need prayer. I don't know what to do anymore."

Odeo, Valerie, and I hold hands. Cal and Doctor Herce watch from where they stand, their eyes watching the screen as well.

"God, we know You're always there for us and that You are always good even when we are not. Please give us wisdom and guidance on how to deal with this situation. Lead the way for us and Serene to experience the good future You have promised for us. Give us strength. Amen." I pray.

Valerie and Odeo agree with the prayer and we release our hold on each other.

"Okay." I say, taking a deep breath. "Carlos, what happened? Fill me in."

Carlos replies and his voice fills our ear pieces.

"Okay. The lights are back on. Twenty casualties, Mr. Belle included. Madeline and Sofia are gone. Wait." Carlos pauses. We hear some clicks and Miguel talking in the background. "There was a helicopter that left. Madeline's. I think she took Sofia with her. Three shooters were on the roof. Two policemen went up and are dead. The shooters are gone. I'm still checking the cameras."

Val inhales sharply and Odeo sits down, his face blank and his hands shaking.

Cal's pacing and Doctor Herce is trying to freeze the liquid.

I take deep breaths.

"Okay. What do we know about Madeline?" I ask, putting my hands on my hips.

Valerie changes the tv and we soon see Carlos' and Miguel's faces.

Miguel waves, a sad smile on his face.

Carlos doesn't look at us, his eyes focused on the computer.

"Madeline was with Greg Lou when we saw them at the café. She's a renowned singer and ran away from home two months after Sofia was given to the Government Institution for training." Carlos informs us.

"So, is she a friend or foe?" Val asks. "And where's Cassy?"

Cassy comes into the room right on time and raises her eyebrows. "Yes?"

"Is Madeline trustworthy?" I ask.

Cassy doesn't hesitate. "Yes."

"How?" Carlos asks, turning to face her.

"Miss Madeline is very caring and kind. She's always loved her sister even if from afar. She wanted to take care of her sister, away from their parents. But she couldn't do that while she lived under their roof, so she left. She made a name for herself. She helped me too. She gave me the job I have, had. And she's very kind to me." Cassy says.

I nod slowly. "Okay. She can be trusted to take care of Sofia. But why was she with Greg Lou?"

Cassy thinks. "Madeline's a smart girl. She knew Greg's agenda and she played along. Greg's always had a thing for the Belle girls and he's not that old either, if you know what I mean."


Val chuckles. "Greg sure has a weak spot."

Carlos nods.

"Okay. So maybe we can ask Madeline to help us with Greg." I suggest.

Cassy nods and her smile is wide. "She also has a nice mansion up in northern Lucid. If she had a helicopter, that's probably where she took Sofia."

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