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I sit on the balcony watching the sunrise this time.

Odeo's with me again, his mind probably clouded with thoughts of her.


I wonder what her full name is and why Odeo seemed shocked to see her two pictures side by side.

As if reading my mind, he answers my question.

"She was always Gabby's best friend, my childhood friend, and an amazingly talented girl to me. Gabe and I knew they were training like in a military school, but we didn't know they were becoming spies or agents or mercenaries or whatever else there is. I knew who the Wolf was, her identity pretty well known, but I didn't know that she was the Wolf."

He sits beside me on the bench and sighs. I look up at him.
Once again, the sunlight touches his eyes and they seem to glow. He could look peaceful if not for his furrowed brows thinking of the information he must process.

"No wonder she was always a little different whenever she came back." He whispers.

"It must be hard." I say, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He nods and looks at me. "You okay with all this though? There's a lot happening so fast."

I sigh as well. "Odeo I'm fine. I learned more about myself and so I'm feeling better. Like maybe we're getting closer to the secret behind all this."

We both look back at the sun now higher in the sky, the pink and orange hues fading.

"What did you find out?" He asks.

"I have a very high price." I draw out. "According to Mrs. Villa, I'm on the agenda of her husband's company's emergency meeting. I'm also an important client to help with their product." I add, putting emphasis on the words. "As for mystery man, he told me he'd take me home."

Odeo stiffens at the word. "Home?"

I nod, looking at his concerned eyes and his now alert posture.

"I didn't really need to debate on what I needed to do, but the thought did come to my mind. What did he mean by home?"

"Serene. That's a lot to process." He whispers.

"I know."

Gabby comes out to join us and we look up at her.

"I don't know how this is all connected, but the Wolf went missing a month and a week ago." She says, staring out at the  green landscape. "Two companies, Dax Inc. and Belle Corp., are on the verge of a little war themselves because of Serene. My best but not really the best theory is that one of them got the Wolf to take care of Serene or we're really clueless here."

She sighs. "I don't get it. What does the Wolf have to do with this? She could've been the one to get Serene but she was never there when Serene escaped. And we haven't seen her ever."

"What about the companies?" Odeo asks.

Gabby sits on the other side of Odeo, still facing us. "Mrs. Villa said that they're having an emergency meeting in Contra, Streak, and that her husband rarely goes to meetings. I think he and his assistant might get in trouble for losing Serene. Also, I think they're going to get new information about you."

"So, what're you suggesting?" Odeo asks, raising his eyebrows with a knowing smile.

"We're going to Contra, of course." Gabby replies with a smile.

Carlos helps us pack and informs us that Gabe and Hannah are doing fine. They also managed to get us tickets to Contra already and a hotel.

"Finally." I say, hoisting up my backpack. "A plane."

Gabby smiles and Odeo rolls his eyes playfully.

"Your flight's still at five." Carlos says holding the door open. "Do you want to go around this little town of Lurid while you're here?"

I share a look with Gabby and Odeo shrugs and smiles.

"Let's go!" I say excitedly.

We follow Carlos out and into his car. We leave our backpacks when we get down at the first stop.

It's an old library and a really big one too.

"They preserved it from the times before the World War III and the last War." Carlos says.

We enter the building and my jaw drops.

The roof is arched, giving the library a bigger feel. From the moment you enter, books line the shelves left and right. Running through the center are tables for reading or studying and desks for staff and two librarians. There are four more doors that lead to specific rooms. Children's, Business, Dictionaries and educational books, and Entertainment including magazines and newspapers.

The bookshelves lining the walls are as high as three floors in a normal mall. With that being said, there are three floors including the ground floor, and there are balconies so everyone can see everyone. Book ladders are everywhere and so are reading chairs.

"I have a feeling, if we didn't have a flight later, Serene would spend the day here." Odeo says, getting my attention.

I look at him and smile slyly. "Maybe more than a day."

He laughs.

We follow Carlos around the library, not pausing too long because they think I'd get a book and forget the task at hand.

I don't blame them.

After walking around the library for thirty minutes, we head back out to where we parked the car.

"Where's the next stop?" I ask.

"Town square." Carlos answers, starting the car.

In a while, we're at the town square. Old boxed buildings colored in different shades or red and brown surround the square where little tents and stalls have been set up.

"Is there a bazaar?" I ask excitedly.

Gabby looks at me amused. "I think we shouldn't let you down with us, Serene."

I stare at her and pout. She laughs and so does Carlos and Odeo.

In a few minutes, we're in the square and I'm happily observing everyone walking around the stalls, laughing, eating, and playing games.

A sudden feeling of dread fills my stomach and I don't know why. I continue to observe my surroundings. Maybe someone who's not supposed to be here, is here.

I find her. Her bright red hair stick out since most people of Lurid have black or dark brown hair. The lightest hair color would be the lightest of brown. Her body moves around freely, clear that she's enjoying herself. She holds a drink in her hand and cotton candy in the other. She turns around in her hot pink fitting dress and I think she sees me.

Her bright green eyes lock onto mine and her smile turns from happy into sly.

She arches an eyebrow and walks forward, towards me.

Red head's sly smile got wider when she saw Odeo.

Guess she's coming for both of us.

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