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I wake up to the sound of an alarm clock. I slap my hand on it but it doesn't stop. I shove it off and it falls. I think it broke.

I rub my eyes and sit up.

"Good morning, Miss Serene."

I nearly jump out of bed.

I look at the maid standing in front of the bed. She smiles and giggles. She's a young girl, early twenties I presume. Her short dark brown hair and bright blue eyes making her easier to like.

"I'm sorry to startle you, miss. I'm Cassy."

She helps me into fuzzy slippers and I smile shyly.

"Thank you, Cassy. It's alright." I stand up and walk to the mirror. Seems like I had a good night. "Can you tell me what I'm to do today?"

Her smile slowly fades into an uncomfortable one. "You're to join the Mr. and Mrs. for the concert."

I face her. "Wasn't the concert yesterday?"

Cassy laughs. "Miss Serene, you've only been asleep all day. It's currently nine in the evening, miss."

My mouth hangs open.

She giggles again. "Let me help you get ready."

I allow her to pick a dress for me and help me into it, especially since I'm not very fond of wearing dresses. That is, as far as I can remember.

She helps me to the mirror where she makes me sit down on a cushioned chair, braids my hair and does my makeup.

The dress I'm in is pink. It's a fitting dress that ends above the knees. There's a little glitter and some shaggy things that make me look like I'll be dancing the jive or salsa or something.

Valerie would love this dress.

Cassy curls my hair and the big curls make my hair shorter, falling a little past my shoulders.

She puts on light make up, my green eyes bright.

"Don't you look darling." She breathes.

I smile. "Thank you, Cassy."

She helps me into four inch heels which is three inches taller than what i'm comfortable with, and leads me out. A limousine is waiting and Cassy helps me in.

"You're not coming?" I ask.

She shakes her head with a sad smile. "I'll be here. Waiting."

The door shuts and I find myself in a space of black.

"God, if You're there, please be with me. I don't want to be alone."


After an hour, we finally find the Belle house. We creep around the back fence, only a feet away from the forest we're in.

A maid walks back into the house but looks up in time to see us. She's about to run but I hold out a hand. "Wait!"

She walks towards us slowly, eyeing us. Odeo and I step out from the cover of the trees and she breathes a sigh of relief.

"You're here for Serene aren't you?" She whispers, moving her hands forward in a motion to make us move back into the forest.

Odeo nods and I glance around.

"I'm afraid she just left." She says.

Odeo and I share a tired look.

"May I ask where she went?" I ask.

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