Hide 'n' Seek

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The next few day seemed by quick with Naruko complaining and us getting dragged along with her and her schedule. One day we got to got to the training fields. "Hey you two." Naruko said turning around from where she was standing. "I know a little game we can that is both fun and helps me train." At the mention of game Himawari's eye light up. "What type of game?" she asks. "Well since I'm classified as a sensory type ninja we can play hide and seek. You guys get to hid and I try to find you without using my eye." Naruko explains

"I have a question." I say. "I know what your going to ask, and yes you can attack me, and if you land a clean hit you get to pick what we eat tonight." She said with a smile. Himawari looks at me. Begging me with her eye to play. "Fine." I say. Naruko smiles at me and walks out into the middle of the field. She grabbed a black piece of cloth from her pocket and tied it around her head so she couldn't see. "Ok, 1, 2, 3,... with Naruko starting to count Himawari started to run. I climbed up a tree getting ready to ambush her as soon as she comes close.

"29, 30! Ready or not here I come." She then started to walk around like she wasn't even blindfolded. She found Himawari hiding in a bush in less than 2 minutes. I was about to make my move when I saw her smile. Suddenly another Naruko fell out of the tree right next to mine. "Ow... I knew I was going a little overboard but still. That branch did have to break." I looked back over at the Naruko by Himawari and suddenly POOF! Gone. I looked back at the Naruko near me and POOF. Gone. When did she do that? I was watching her the whole time.

I heard rustling next to me. Then someone leaped out. "I found you!" Naruko yelled. I quickly doged. "Oh I see how it's gonna be." She said with a smile. Then next thing I knew I was dodging kuni and attacks left and right. She was giving me no time to attack all I could do was defend. I also knew these were the weaker attacks she had up her sleeve. So it wouldn't hurt that much. But I wasn't about to lose that easily.

It didn't take Naruko very long to have my back up against a tree. "Do you give up yet?" she asked with a sneer. "I never give up!" I yell back. "Alright then." she said as she punched me in the face. "One clean hit. I win" She didn't punch me very hard but it still hurt. "Oh Boruto, why is your backpack glowing?" She said as she started to clean up the mess we made in the area.

I took out my backpack and saw that the scroll was glowing again. "Himawari, come here." I yelled to me sister who was helping Naruko. "What is it?" "I want you to try and touch the scroll, maybe that was what sent you here so maybe it can send you back. "Oo....ok." She said. I could tell she was scared but she did it anyway. Sure enough the moment she touched the scroll she started to fade just like Sarada did. "I'll so you back home ok." I say with a smile just as she was about to disappear.

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