"Straight to the point then. I have reason to believe that you were bitten by a spider that is property of Oscorp. We'd like it back." Norman said.

"Well. Your right that I was bitten by a spider and that's what gave me my abilities. But even if it's Oscorp property I squashed it when it bit me. It's long gone." Peter lied.

"Then you must make it up to me." Osborn said.

"Why?" Peter asked.

"Because that spider cost my company millions of dollars. And now that's all gone. So you must make recompense." Osborn said.

"Sorry. I don't have millions of dollars. I barely have a dollar to my name." Peter replied.

"Them how about we make a deal. You will give me a pint of your blood instead of the millions of dollars you owe me." Osborn said with a smile.

"Why do I get the feeling that's what you wanted the whole time." Peter commented.

"Because it was. Very few people can come up with several million dollars. Besides your blood would be far more valuable. With it we could find cures for diseases that still plague the world, it could save so many American lives out on the battle field. Your blood is the key to making humanity better." Norman said enthusiastically.

"It's also the one thing you need to put Oscorp at the forefront of the GMO business. Giving you not only the ability to make spider based super soldiers but also so much more. I'd also be handing over my identity with it. So forget it." Peter said. This angered Norman.

"You don't do this and you will be making a powerful enemy boy." Norman threatened.

"Sorry. I've been threatened by guys four times my size and I've ignored them. Your nothing special Osborn." Peter said before swinging away.

Ever since both Norman, Harry, and all of Oscorp has had it out for Spider-Man. It's also the main reason peter never told Harry he was Spider-Man.

"It's thanks to Oscorp he got his powers he should at least give a blood sample so we could learn what gave them his powers." Harry said.

"Let's just drop it and talk about your invention." Peter said. Harry then began to explain the specs on his android. They could scale walls with ease by using hand and foot holds, run about 140 mph, lift up to 4 tons of weight, and they use cameras to record their enemies movement to then be used in a program that would allow the robots the ability to predict the enemies next move. Peter had to admit the GAURDIAN was impressive. Peter them received an alarm for his next class. "Sorry guys. Gotta run!" peter yelled as he ran for ESU.

Time skip

After peter left ESU he went back to his apartment. He arrived and lifted up his bed. Underneath was several glass tanks that had spiders inside each one with their own different environments. Peter picked up the tanks. They each weighed in at several hundred pounds as the tanks were made of level 8 bullet proof glass. Keeping the spiders safe inside from dangers outside and preventing strangers from simply picking up there tanks and running off with them. Peter then transferred the spiders into little cylinders that are about a 8 inches tall and two inches wide allowing space for the spiders to move. He then put each of the spiders inside of two separate cases each held 4 of the cylinders. Once he had all of them he made his way to dr. Connors lab. When he entered he found the place to be empty. Using this moment peter found that dr. Connors had the necessary equipment peter wanted. Then pulling out a bag peter had in his coat pocket peter produced an set of spider milking tools. Yes. Spider milking tools. Carefully peter caught the very spider that bit him 9 years ago and began to milk the venom from it. When he got all he could he carefull put it back and looked at the tiny drops he had. Actually it wasn't even a drop. Putting the little amount of venom he obtained into a small vial he began to use the equipment. He let the equipment run as peter milked the other 8 spiders for their venom. After that peter had to wait a bit more. While waiting he played on his phone to pass the time.

"Peter?" Dr. Connors said getting peters attention. Scaring peter. Peter almost dropped his phone.

"Dr. Connors! I wasn't expecting anyone to be here." Peter said.

"So was I. Oh well. What are you working on?" Connors asked.

"A personal project." Peter said. Dr. Connors saw the tubes with the spiders.

"What amazing specimens. I've never seen anything like them." Dr. Connors said in admiration.

"They were my uncles pet project. Genetically altered super spiders. Their genes are a mixture of different species." Peter said.

"I'd love to talk to your uncle about these marvelous creatures. Truly amazing." Connors said as he held the cyclinder with a brown spider that was larger then the others.

"I'd love to talk to him too." Peter said. Dr. Connors looked at peter confused. "My uncle died several years ago." Peter explained.

"Oh. I'm truly sorry." Connors said. He the looked at the spiders again. "He must have been a great scientist to create such marvelous beings." While peter lied about uncle Ben making the spiders peter did think his uncle was  a great scientist. He actually made some really great things before he died. Just then the vial of the virus came out of the equipment. Peter picked it up and quickly put it away.

"Well I should be going now that I'm done in here." Peter said. He packed up the spiders and put them back in the suitcases. He then went to the door. "See you tomorrow dr." Peter said as he left. As peter left dr. Connors only stared at the suit cases then turned back to his work.

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