23: Storm Queen

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.^^ Elder Storm Giant ^^

— Cassidy —

The rooftop approached faster than it should have, because of the effect of my flight crystals, and my staff formed a warhammer out of blazing Crystal. The flames were so hot that the air around them ignited, creating a meteor-tail and corona of fire around the thick hammerhead. The three men and one naked woman looked up, in response to the bright falling star heading towards them, the wrathful meteor that was streaming down towards them at insane speeds.

The one who had brought the woman up was the first to die, the hammer smiting his entire chest from existence. My flight crystals creaked dangerously, as I redirected my downward velocity into a quick corner towards the two other enemies, the hammer crashing into another one of their chests, while my knees were crashing into his companion's abdomen and stomach hard enough for both of them to die without even a bark of alarm.

I calmed myself partially, and pulled a normal cloak out of my bag, wrapping the shaking girl in it. She flinched, nearly falling off the roof, but I caught her, and set her on her feet.

The Finch landed next to us, a few seconds later, and I pushed the girl into the craft swiftly, hearing more enemies respond to my cacophonous landing. Sandy gently directed the girl into the trap door, and therefore into the Vault, where the dwarves would take her and the others to New Chalet, for now.

The Finch sat still as the trap door opened, but as the pirate exited, holding his sword to another naked woman's throat, the Finch reached a talon out, unseen, (as it was still invisible,) and snapped the sword in two, snatching the woman gently and depositing her in the interior, where Kiri directed her into the Trap Door.

The pirate balked, not even having said anything yet, as the bladed half of my warhammer/Axe took his head off. I removed the other heads of the Pirates, as their deaths needed to be confirmed, and dropped them into the freezer. "Well, they know we're here. Sorry." I frowned.

Sandy shook her head. "I totally understand. Kiri, Iris, you will go to another tower, and when they've all come to deal with us, you'll send the girls in each tower through the Door, then move to the next. Don't worry about killing any of the enemies, keep yourselves hidden. The girls are your objective, clear?" She barked, snapping their attention to her.

They nodded, and the Finch's beak opened, breathing a bolt of lightning into the chest of the pirate who had charged out of the trapdoor, roaring a challenge. I raised an eyebrow, feeling my normal detached state of mind return, as it usually did durning Combat. "I thought you said that didn't have any offensive capabilities?" I asked accusingly.

Sariel, barely visible in the cockpit, grinned savagely. "I lied." Another bolt of lightning crisped the next pirate who was attempting to exit the trap door. "I didn't want it to be used as a tool of war... but honestly, at the moment I'm feeling Rather Vexed!" He snarled as the Finch began tearing holes in the roof, causing panic inside.

"Hold up there, bronco, there's still hostages inside." I said dryly, as the passengers climbed down from the bird. "Glade, you're with the Girls; Sandy, Karon, and I will manage the pirates." They nodded, then the druidlings and Karon made their way across the covered top of one of the bridges, into the northern tower.

"Shall we?" Sandy asked, twirling her staff and turning into a golden sand elemental.

"Ooh, shiny." I smiled appreciatively, and leapt down the ladder. When I stepped into the room below the trap door, the Shield Talisman embedded in my body activated, and a glowing shield moved autonomously to intercept three different crossbow bolts, and two spears glanced off of it before it faded. It was powerful against singular attacks, but a continuous barrage would tire it out, and leave me open.

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