21: The Gilded Lily

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.^^ the Gilded Lily of Evermeet ^^

— Caroline —

Nearly a week after we started construction, the foundation and interior structure was completed, to my surprise. It looked like a massive skeleton without its muscles or skin, but even that was an impressive achievement in just five days of work. The stone and steel grew from the ground like living flesh, creating Teagan's vision without a single flaw, building itself before my very eyes.

The train was likewise moving along quickly, and the shuttle was already moving, albeit slowly, to test the tracks for weaknesses. Along the way, the earth mages that were accompanying it strengthened the walls to a near-diamond density, and enchanting it to absorb latent energy from the ground above and below, even the waves crashing against the beach, to properly fuel the high-speed transit and flight crystals, as well as the cargo level of the shuttle, magically compressed to handle all the cargo shipments that would be required to supply the entire city we were building.

After all, Beacon Point was several dozen miles away from the capital, Leuthilspar, and so was considered its own town, and soon to be its own city. We had already received, before we arrived, a trade agreement with the producers and suppliers of the city, to feed our people during construction, and later on the city, until it could depend on its own supply.

But, seeing as the land we were given command over was only big enough for the building itself and the beach in front of us, (plus the coastal ocean for one mile around us, apparently,) it didn't seem like we would be capable of having our own crops any time soon, so we would be spending money to strengthen the economy of the city, as was our original plan.

However, it seemed that the people and businesses that lived in Leuthilspar didn't want to move, not even to reopen their businesses. Their pride seemed to be honestly offended by the notion that they would abandon their ruined houses in favor of a less-ruined one, and also that someone they viewed as inferior, (me), was involved in the construction.

Instead of trying to convince them, Hilde and I extended invitations to the Elven Craftsmen in both the Silver Ridge and even Jerel and it's surrounding satellite towns. Even so, us buying produce and supplies from them would stimulate their economy and speed their recovery, so we decided to help any way we could, despite their continued rudeness towards me.

Teagan had taken to glaring at people just because they refuse to acknowledge me, but I just bore with it. I knew prejudice didn't go away, no matter who you threatened, so I was happy just to get this mission finished as quickly as possible, and go see this city that Tommy designed, and Caz's vineyard, too. As such, I did my best not to kill or squish the many, many High Elves and Sun Elves that were apparently nobles, who visited almost every day, demanding that they be given the rights to govern the Embassy, or given the penthouse's, or any number of other demands that I casually turned down, time and time again.

Today, though, one of the annoying people came while I was doing maintenance to the Sparrow, whose claws were too loose to grip the loads we were using it to lift, in the place of a Crane.

"You, Giantborn! I require discourse with you!" A man snapped.

I ignored him, and kept working, mentally telling Teagan to calm down, as he was inside the Sparrow, with his revolver already pointed at the man's head. He was getting continuously more touchy about people disrespecting me, and while I understood, I also wanted him to be a good peacekeeper, which he usually was. He was a bit too sensitive to people disrespecting me, which I didn't mind usually, but it was becoming a problem.

The man, (no, younger, perhaps a young man, 20~ish,) growled impatiently. "Did you not hear me, Trollkin? I require your attention!"

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