Trying To Remember

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It was to hard on my friends tom held matt as he cried. Even if I couldn't remember my friends deep down i feel guilt deep down. The one who was most sad was Tord since we're both dating, not remembering my boyfriend made it harder. He got to the point where he rand out of the room. Pat had to chase after him. And tell him to calm down and be strong for me. "How can I be strong! My boyfriend doesn't remember me he doesn't remember any of us!" Tord falls to his knees and starts crying. "I don't no what to do pat I don't no." He smiles, "hey look he'll remember soon just give it time ok sweetheart".

Tord nods and relaxes a bit, "smiles thanks Pat you sure know how to make me happy." He smiles and nods, "of corse I have to look after my son." With that I get up and walks with him back to Edd's room and smiles. "Hey guys sorry I needed to calm down a bit." Edd sits up and smiles, "its alright Tord and I'm sorry if I made you upset by not being able to remember but if you tell me what we were i might remember?" Tord nods and tells me. "We are lovers your my boyfriend edd and have been for at least 4 months now." Edd goes silent.

He holds his head in pain and yells in pain...."ugh it hurts. I think my memory of that is coming back but not fully" We all seem a bit happy but we were a bit concerned as well, Tom spoke out in worry, "are you sure your alright you sounded like you where in pain when you got a bit of your memories back." Pat then buts in, "well if someone who lost there memories and then gains it back ends up in alot of pain. So yes it will hurt him a bit." They all look at me. "I'll be fine guys they say pain is worth anything to get back what is important to you." With that they hug me and told me they'll be by my side no matter what.

It got late and visiting hours were over so all my friends left. I lay there wide away everyone was so upset I want to remember all my friends and all the things we did together the adventures they told me about...they even said I was a god. If I was a god i would have remembered by now I would have used my magic but no. I silently cry and look down. What can I do... I want to get my precious memories back.

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