Here we go.

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It was a week later. Marcus and Julia were fully healed. I wasn't so I'd stay here with my SON Toby. Yeah it's official. We're dad and son. It's been going well the others accepted it to. They are like other people are with parents and kids.

I don't know how people are like... when they are around... people... where was I going with this? Anyways moving on!

They were heading out in awhile. They were just grabbing their stuff. My back was still pretty fucked up. Sorry for the curse words. My back was still ruined like a deer run over by a car. Better.

I could stand now. But that was about it. Still walked like a grandpa. WHICH IM NOT! I'm a dad. Tony and I haven't had the sex talk yet. Shoot! I need to have a sex talk with him! No...

"Hello? Zack? Hellooo?"

"Mmh Yeah?"

"We're moving out. Well probably be gone for a couple of days. Stay safe ok?"

I nodded at Kaitly. She's always been a motherly person. I think? Can people be motherly? Is that.. is that a thing?



Kaitly smiled before continuing. "Take care of your dad ok?"

Toby nodded enthusiastically. "I will!"

I wiped away my imaginary tears, in my imagination. My son is getting so big so soon. O I remember when he was still a small boy. Feels like just days ago.

I said bye to the others and wished them luck. Keagan was being really distant. I just said a quick bye and that's it. I wanted to say more but he already walked away.

Julia and Marcus said bye too. They're really nice people. A bit cheerful yet somber. At least there is someone else with positive energy beside me. The others are more of the quiet type. Kaitly can sometimes be a bit more... energetic.

And Toby. My son. I'll never stop saying that I don't care if it might annoy you he's my son. Anyways I'm getting off track. He's energetic too. Even if he lost his parents he's still so much like a child.

Now that I think about it he acts younger than he is... I think. How do 8 year old kids act? He has some comments from a 6 year old or younger though. And he's clingy. Always want to hug with me, he's afraid of the dark, of hard sounds and I don't know... he just seems younger.

I'll talk with Kaitly about this once they're back. She looks like a person that's knows stuff about children.

Anyways let's get back to the now. They have been gone for 5/10 minutes. Toby is playing with some made shift toys in my and Keagans room. I'm laying in bed watching him. And thinking.

Now that we're on the topic of thinking I should tell you guys more about the monsters.

Where to start... I already told you the 4 stages. I'll explain the ranks and difference between small and big ones.

You see when a monsters hasn't infected anyone in one year they'll get desperate. They'll grow even bigger and stronger. So they could infect someone faster. We also call this a stage 4 monster since it should be dead.

I know what you're thinking, but Zack won't you get that mixed up? Since stage 4 also means a dead one? And yes we do. So now we call them small and big ones. Sometimes people tell themselves it's a stage 4 since they know what they mean.

This also kind of explains the ranks. Stage 1 is the lowest rank since they are still harmless. It goes up till stage 4. You have two ranks there. Dead ones are rank 0 big ones are rank 5. The most dangerous ones. Though sometimes they are so desperate they don't really register what's happening. They can only focus on one thing. They are easier to kill then.

What else? Right they're afraid of the full moon, which is tonight, why we don't know. They just hide when it's full moon and won't attack you even if you're standing right in front of them.

They don't like thunder, they have more iron in there blood, reason why unknown, but it's so much that it attracts lightning.

They get crazy about blood. Since it means there prey is weaker and easier to attack and infect. There only weakness is there neck. They'll get nocked out for awhile if that's hurt, then you can cut there head of and successfully kill them.

They'll feel pain if you injure them anywhere else but it won't kill them. Not even from blood loss or a ripped out heard.

This is everything we know of them. They wanted to know more but... they kind of got killed in the process.

I focused back on the now. More on Toby but like.. in this moment?

He was till playing. We found some LEGO and some old stuffed animals. He was playing with it happily. I wanted to get him more stuff. I'll do it when I'm healed up. There is a toy store somewhere in this mall.

I'll make Toby the happiest kid in the world. Speaking about Toby he had to eat. Me too. It was dinner time.


He looked around and gave me a cute questioning look.

"Yeah dad?"

I'm his daaaaadd!!!

"Want to help me make dinner?"

He jumped up enthusiastically and jumped up and down while answering.

"Yes!! I'll help you dad! What are we eating?"

"Kaitly laid something in the kitchen for us, how about you help me up and then we'll take a look."

He nodded and skipped over to me. He helped me up and we walked into the kitchen and made dinner.

I put him to bed after he ate and washed himself, with my help. See he's a bit younger then his actual age. I tucked him in and told him I'd be there soon.

I kissed his forehead then walked into the living room. I looked out of the window and saw no monsters. The full moon was shining brightly. I hope they're ok.

I walked into the bed room and laid down slowly next to Toby. He was already fast asleep. I wasn't even laying comfortably and Toby already snuggled up against me. His favorite stuffed animal, a dog which kinda looked like Waffles, in his hand and pressed against me.

Waffles laid on the other side of Toby snuggled into him. He looked up when the bed and Toby moved but soon laid down again.

Soon after I fell asleep too.

I hope they're ok.

So new chapter. What ya think? I'm gonna speed some things up in the story. Just so you know. A lot more is gonna happen. So stay tuned and good luck I'd say! Don't forget to vote and follow me fore more updates on future books!

Jupp I'm writing another story after this one. I know I'm awesome.

The end of us Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora