The journey.

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Keagan POV.

Leaving the warmth of the house was difficult. It was comfy and nice.
I'm glad Zack invited me and my sister into his home.

It's still early in the morning and it's freezing. I've been walking for about half an hour.

It's difficult to navigate in the woods but I still sort of know where to go. I think the shelter is closer than I thought.

I already started to recognize these woods. There's a tree hit by lightning from the storm a few days ago. Some bushes more trees. And if I'm correct there should be a mark on the big tree behind the bushes.

Which means I have around one more day of walking to do. Guess I'm taking a short cut now.

I wonder how my sister is doing. I left her al alone in the shelter. I know she's capable of being alone but in a world like this... you can never be sure.

I heard some shuffling to my right. Stopping dead in my tracks I look in the direction of the sound.

I see nothing but that doesn't mean there's no monsters. Slowly and silently I keep walking. I'm on high alert.

Not wanting to take any risks I get my knife ready. Im not close to either Zack or my sister so I won't bring them in danger.

Looking to my left now I can hear some noise. Still don't see anything. If it is really a monster I'd have to kill it before night. I'd prefer to be safe during the night.

Walking further I spot something on my left. I stop and crouch down. As low as I can while still being able to see the thing.

It doesn't look like a human so I'm assuming the worst, a monster stage 4.

Silently I grab my gun from my bag, put the bullets in it and aim at the thing. I don't want to risk making a miscalculation and shoot a human that looks like a monster.

Creeping up closer I see that it is not a human.

Great. Thankfully it was only one so I could take it out easily. It was a big one stage 4 though.

Taking one more look around me to make sure no other monsters are around, I creep toward the monster.

It doesn't see me yet and the wind is my way so it won't smell me.

It had its back turned towards me so I take my change and make a full sprint toward the thing. I stab it in the back of its neck. It's to shocked to respond in time and falls down.

I bent down and take my knife out of its neck. It's blood going everywhere. I quickly slice its head of and run away from it.

After being at a safe distance I stop and put my gun away. Quickly after I bend down with my hand on my knees. A little out of breath.

Not only the color of the blood is disgusting but that smell. O boy. It smells like someone died and was rotting while puking in a bath of expired milk. Disgusting.

Since I caught my breath again I start walking once more.

I'm on high alert while I clean my knife from the disgusting blood. Most of the time these thing move in packs or hordes. This one was alone but that doesn't mean there aren't any other ones close by.

Looking up at the sun I see it's around midday. I want to get as far as possible before it gets dark.
It's not like they become more active in the dark but we humans see less and they see the same as during the day. They have night vision.

Since they weren't annoying and dangerous enough already.

Looking around me I notice it's pretty beautiful out here. The way the sun hits the trees the swaying of the grass. The birds singing.

It's nice. You wouldn't say the world is a disaster and falling apart while walking here.

After walking for a while the sun starts setting. I need to find a safe space to stay for the night. Looking up I see a perfect space in a tree.

These things can't climb so I'm safe.

Zack POV.

It's already been a day since Keagan left. Which means I have to go to town today.

My arm still hurts like hell but I'll make it work. Somehow.

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