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We're not the only ones. There's more! More of us. I'm so happy! I want to gather as many people as I can.

"So where do you live?" My voice is thick with excitement.

She looks at me. Stays quiet for awhile and then says in a bored tone "currently nowhere. I travel. I'll leave this town probably tomorrow."

No no she can't leave! I want her to stay with us!

"You could stay with us. It's safer."

Keagan said before I was able to.

She looks at us suspiciously, eyeing us up and down.

"And why the hell would I do that? What's in it for me?"

Keagan and I look at each other in shock. Ok so she wants a reason let's give her one.

"Simple for one you'd be safer. There would be 3 people who would be able to protect you. Secondly there's a safe space to stay and enough food to eat. The only thing you'd have to do is being part of our.... pack? Group? And protect us too if needed. That's all. The decision is up to you."

She thought about it. Probably looking for pros and cons. After awhile she looked up and started  eyeing us. Again.

"Where is your house?"

Snap. Ok I have to explain this carefully other wise she'll turn us down. And we need her. I want as many people as I can get. Ok.... ok how do I do this?

Before I could even open my mouth Keagan took the lead.

"We don't have one."

I looked at him with my mouth open and shock written all over my face. How could he do that?

"He means that we don't have one at the moment. We got attack a few days ago during the storm. We ran and are now in one of the shops here because Keagans sister got hurt. After she's healed we'll move to the flats on the north side and stay there for awhile till we either find something better or till we get attacked again. But you could still stay with us!"

Pleas say yes please say yes!!

"I'll try."

It's positive! Not a yes but not a no either!

"If I don't like it I'll move out again though."

"That's fine that's absolutely fine! We just have to gather some supplies for his sister and then we'll move ok?"

She nodded. She's not that much of a talker either huh?

I quickly turned around and gather everything we needed. After 5 minutes we were standing outside.

There were no monsters so we made it back safely.

"Hey Kaitly we brought someone with us."

Nora took a step into the room and looked at Kaitly weirdly. Yeah we forgot to tell her Kaitly's trans... o well guess we'll do it now!

"Right so we forgot to tell you Kaitly, Keagans sister, is transgender. You know born in the wrong body and shit? Hope you're ok with that."

After that she stayed quiet. She was eyeing Kaitly like she did with us a few moments back.

And the eyeing turned into a glare. I don't feel so good about this. Keagan doesn't either since he made a move towards Kailty as if to protect her from whatever was going to happen.

"That's cool." She took a step forward and sat down next to Kailtly. "Looks like you're hair is giving you some troubles I could braid it if you want?"

Kailty just lit up and nodded enthusiastically. Keagan relaxed too and walked towards me. We watched Nora and Kaitly bond over hair. It was beautiful.

But we still had to take care of Kaitly's leg.

I walked forward and sat down on the ground in front of Kaitly. The girls just continued chatting and doing stuff with hair. I never understood girls.

I took off the bandages and grabbed some cleaning shit. I started cleaning her wounds. They looked good. Of course not healed good but healing good.

When I finished cleaning it I grabbed some new bandages and wrapped her leg up again. I stood up and walked to the other couch. Keagan was sitting on it to.

He suddenly stood up and I looked at him questioning. He just grabbed the bag with the medical supplies we got and sat down next to me on the left side.

He grabbed my arm and laid it in his lab. O god what is he going to do.

He undid the bandages and looked at my arm for awhile.

"I think we need to change you stitches."

He then looked at me waiting for my answer.

"Uh Yeah sure... go ahead."

Ugh stupid voice. It sounded so small and shy.

He looked down again at my arm while I was captivated by his beautiful face. It hurts a bit but his face was the best medicine I could ask for.

He held my arm gently and his touch was soft. He was being so careful.

After he was done with the stitches he grabbed some cleaning stuff and cleaned up my arm. Then he looked at it for awhile and turned to me.

Shit ok look away real quick before he catches you staring. To late! He saw o no!!

I awkwardly smiled at him. I am an idiot.

"I don't think you need stitches anymore. They are mostly healed."

"O-ok that's c-cool."

Stutter. Of course I stuttered! And that's cool!? What the actual fuck Zack?

He gave me a questioning look and nodded slowly. Then he looked down again and began to bandage my arm again. With fresh bandages.

I looked at the girls and saw them looking at me. Kaitly smirked since she knew what was going on. The thing that worries me though was that Nora was smirking to... I'm starting to think this wasn't a good idea.

I blushed and looked down at my lab. My arm was still in Keagans lab even though he was done. He just sat there. Next to me. Arm on the back of the couch. With my arm on his lab.

I blushed even more. I'm pretty sure I was as red as a tomato. If not more.

I know I know short chapter. BUT! I have a really really long next chapter! I'll try posting it tomorrow or the day after! Hope you like the story!

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