What the hell is going on?

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I'm running through the forest with the full moon above me. I just went to town to get some supplies that I needed.
Thankfully I don't have to worry about the monsters now, they don't like the full moon. When it's a full moon they are nowhere to find. I heard that the reason behind it was that their afraid of the full moon. But why their afraid is unknown.

Since I'm just running through the woods and nothing is happening at the moment allow me to tell something about myself.
As you already know my name is Zack and I'm 17. My last name is Winters but last names aren't really important in this time. Also I'm gay like really gay. I don't have a boyfriend. I don't even have a family.
I did have one but they were bitten right in front of me. I could escape thankfully.

So right now I'm just living alone in a abandoned house in the woods. I haven't seen any other human beings in 5 years it's just me, the animals and of course the monsters.

The world has changed a lot. Cities are abandoned, houses are empty, people are gone. Well most of them I think, I don't know to be honest. For all I know I could be the last human on earth.

Anyway back to me running back to my house, I'm almost there. I can already see it.
It's a nice house, has 2 floors, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom but water and electricity isn't working anymore, it has a nice big living room and a nice kitchen. It still had all the supplies like a couch and kitchen shit in it so I'm assuming the old owners just ran for their lives.
It even had clothes when I arrived!

The outside of the house is nice too, it has a fence around it so the monsters can't get in.
It has 2 doors one front door an a backdoor which is open and it has a... hold on.
I did not leave the backdoor open did I?

Just to be sure I grab my gun and flashlight. I slowly walk in to my house.
There are footsteps. They are not mine but not from a monster either.
That's good I assume? They look big though.
I walk towards the living room, empty.
Ok ok I'll move to the kitchen then, it's empty too, though they have been here. Looks like someone was hungry it's a good thing I have more food with me then.

Next is upstairs. I'm kinda scared to be honest.
Just keep going. I slowly walk up the stairs careful not to make a sound.
I'm upstairs. Ok I have around 4 rooms to check.
Bathroom is the first one, empty.
God I'm scared what if they kill me or something?
Next is my room. I slowly open the door and peek inside.

I see something moving on my.. bed? Why my bed?
But I guess I found the intruder. Now I just got to uhm scare them? Kill them? I don't know!

I'll just open the door more and hope they don't wake up. Are they even asleep?
As I open the door slowly, not really slow because it makes a lot of noise but ok, the creature moves. O no nope it turned around o god it's looking at me. It's like their eyes shine or something their blue, light blue and really scary!

O god please don't kill me! They slowly start to sit up and I point my gun at them. Just to be sure you know.
It's sitting up and we are just staring at each other. What the hell is going on!?
Guess I'll make the first move?

"W-who a-are y-ou?" I stutter. Well I was trying to be manly but guess not...

It stayed quite. So do I like hell I'm going to talk again.
After like 5 minuets it finally talks.

"I didn't know someone lived here" said a really deep and sexy voice. "I'm Keagan to answer your question and I don't mean to harm you."

Ok ok that's cool. No harm but still sleeping in my bed and breaking into my house I completely trust this stranger! Note the sarcasm.

Guess I'll have to talk to this man? It's probably a man. God why? My life was kinda good before this happened!

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