It's happening!

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Yesterday was quite... I don't know.. weird? Busy? Weirdly busy? A lot happened.

We healed up the strangers and learned that there names were: Marcus (the man's name) and Julia (the females name).

Marcus has regained consciousness and Julia could stand up on her own. They were recovering fast. We just let them rest yesterday, they wanted to tell us something but they weren't strong enough so we declined.

Though they are awake now. And everyone is sitting in a circle around them waiting for the news. Toby is still asleep. In my lap. The kid loves me!

"So... what did you wanted to tell us." Nora started. She is a little bit more social then the rest of us.

She knows how to handle people.

"How do I start... uh let's see..." Julia started but Marcus took over.

"We heard that there was a large group just out of this town. We wanted to go there and join them. There were around 5 people. But we got attacked."

"Well I'm sure we aren't the group since no one knows about us. So where was this group?"

I wanted to know. Really badly. But since my people skills aren't even there I let the others lead the conversation. I will just remain quiet and listen.

"Further on the north. There is a flat complex just out of this town. We believe that's where they are."

"That's so close! We should go! Get them here and then make a plan on where to go! Of course we could stay here but I want a big house with strong fences and a cat named Mr. alien destroyer the from space!"

Damnit Zack! You said you'd remain quiet and now you made it awkward! They are staring at you. I gave a small smile. Yeah like that's gonna help.

"Ok... Zack's right though. We need too get them. We'll let you guys recover, in the meantime we'll make a plan and once you guys can fight again we'll go look for the others. Ok?"

Now don't respond yet wait for the other ones to respond. Kaitly was the first to say yes after that Keagan. And I couldn't keep in my excitement so I jumped up and screamed YES!

And there was a thud and a scream. Right. I had a child in my lap. Who's now on the floor. And awake. Well done Zack well done. At least go and check on him or they'll kick you out of the gang. Group.

"O my holy chocolate fountain are you ok? I'm so sorry! I was just so excited that I forgot you were in my lap. I'm sorry!"

And guess who's the center of attention now. If you guessed Zack the idiot then whoop whoop! You're right! Congratulations you're reward is absolutely nothing!

And they were laughing at me. Great.

"I'm fine Zack. I didn't fall that hard so it's ok I'm not hurt."

I still pulled him in for a hug. Don't judge me I don't know what to do in these kind of situations!

"I'm still sorry. I should have watched out."

He snuggled closer to me and said tiredly:

"It's ok... just let me sleep here for awhile dad..."

He's so cute of course I'll let him sleep here. Wait wait wait! What did... did he just say dad!? As in father. As in person who created me and/ or cares for me!? He called me DAD! I'm 17! Way to early to be a dad!? I don't even know how children work! What if I break him!?

What if... what if I'm bad at this and he'll disown me as a dad. I'm only 17! I'm not even an adult! I'm a teen dad. O unicorns. I don't know how to take care of one of these! Is it like a cat? Should I just pet him and give him food?

I was snapped out of my panic by a hand on my shoulder. I looked around and saw Keagan.

"It's ok... maybe he just misspoke it since you're making him feel at home. Don't stress to much."

I nodded. Still feeling, and probably looking, scared as fork. I mean most people have months to get used to the idea of having a baby while I just got an 8 year old kid in two days!

"Ok... moving on. We should go and get them. How about you give us the location and then rest for a bit. We'll make a plan."

Thank you Kaitly for being normal. Without you I would be the center of attention constantly. And I don't want that. So I bow to you my goddess. Imaginary of course. I'm not going to suddenly bow in front of her every time she saves me from embarrassment.

They gave us the location and then went too lay down. I laid down too in the girls room. We're going to make the plan here. So Marcus and Julia could rest in piece.

Keagan took Toby from me while I walked like an old man towards the girls room.

Once I laid down again Toby was placed in my arms. He's my child now. He called me dad I don't care that I don't know anything about kids he's my son now.

We pulled out a self made map and Nora made a circle in important places, like where we are and where we suspect the other people are.

We made a route and made a list of all the weapons we need. Marcus and Julia are probably healed earlier then me so I won't be going on this adventure and stay with my son here. He's mine I called dips.

Marcus and Julia only have small injuries. Marcus lost to much blood which is why he was unconscious.

The rest of the day was chill. I moved back to my room once Marcus and Julia were awake. Toby was awake once again. I had to talk with him about the dad thingy. I mean I'm totally ok with it now but still.

Nora walked by so I quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me.

"What the hell Zack!?"

"Shhhh I have to ask you a favor. I want to talk with Toby could you help me move to the other room and then get Toby?"

She nodded and helped me sit up, then stand up. Once we were in the room, which took awhile, she helped me lay down again and went to get Toby.

Toby came in the room and laid down next to me.

"What did you want to talk about?"

Ok. I need a strategy. I'll just tell him carefully and then see how he reacts. I should also tell him I'm ok with it.

"Well... when you fell asleep you called me dad. And I want you to know I'm ok with it but did you mean it? Or was I because you were sleepy?"

He blushed and hid his face in his hands.

"I'm sorry." He said in a very small voice. "I didn't mean to it's just.. you're so nice and reminded me of my dad... I didn't mean to it just slipped out. I'm sorry..."

"Hey it's ok. If you want to call me dad then you can ok?"

He looked up at me with a slight twinkle in his eyes.


I chuckled before nodding.

"Thanks dad."

I'M A FATHER! A man having a child. A dad. O chocolate looking yoghurt do I have to tell dad jokes now!? I'm not good at those. I don't know if I'm even funny... I should have prepared myself for the troubles of fatherhood.

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