Into town.

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I get out of my comfortable bed and walk downstairs. Is it just me or is a bed always more comfortable when you have to get out?

I walk into the kitchen and make some breakfast. Ever noticed how breakfast is a combination of the words break and fast?
'Cause I noticed.

Walking into the living room with my breakfast and paper with a pen I sit down onto the couch and start eating.

When I finished eating I pick up the paper and pen and start writing things that I need.

15 minutes later my list is done. I had to get everything on there since I don't want to go back out before the next full moon.

I pick up my empty plate and walk into the kitchen. I don't feel like doing the dishes so I'll just put it aside for now. I'll look at it tomorrow or some other time.

Grabbing the things I packed up yesterday I walk towards the door. Till I remember I need to switch my bandages... sigh.

Putting my things down again I walk upstairs into the bathroom and grab new bandages. I only have 2 of them which means I'll have to wash this one when I get back.

I walk downstairs again and sit on the couch. I unwrap my old ones and put them aside. They are bloody. Great.

Checking on my stitches I see nothing is wrong and it's still in place. I put the spoon back and wrap my new bandages around it.

Still uncomfortable.

Standing up I put my old ones in the kitchen.

Walking to the door I grab my things and open the door. I lock it and walk towards the fence. This fence doesn't have an opening or anything like that so you just have to climb over it. Why? No idea.

I first check for any monsters. Thankfully I can't see one so I swing my backpack over the fence and then climb over it myself.

Once on the ground I check my surroundings one more time before taking of.

The town isn't to far which is good since I won't have to walk that far.
Doesn't mean it's less dangerous. If there is a horde of monsters I would be dead.

To my left was a road. It goes from the house to town. On my right were the woods. I didn't walk on the road because I'd be out in the open. Monsters could spot me but I couldn't spot them.

I was walking on the side so I could see both right and left side of the woods.

I've been walking for a good 10 minuets so I had around 10/15 more to go. Until now I didn't see any monsters but I'm still on high alert. I have a gun in my left hand and a knife in my right one.

Since I can't really use my left arm I had to be alert at all time. I looked around me and listens to al the sounds in the forest.

I could already see the city in front of me. Not that it meant I was safe there but I'd have a place to hide.

However I also saw 3 small monsters stumbling. They were in my way and I couldn't dodge them.

Loading my gun and bend down and crept towards them. I think they smelled me because they came stumbling my way in a very excited way.

I aimed for the throat of the closed one and shot. It fell down the other two didn't even payed attention to it and kept getting closer.

The power of the shot hurt my arm, but I had to shoot two more or else I'd be in trouble.

I shot the second one but wasn't able to shoot the last one. I swiped my knife at its face but it somehow dodged it.

It swiped its left arm at me but I kicked it in its stomach. It fell down. I switched my gun to my right hand and shot it.

After that I cut its head of and hurried to the next one. The third one was standing and stumbling towards me when I was finished with the second one.

It tried to grab my right arm but missed it. I kicked it in their knees, but not hard enough for it to bend and break.

It grabbed my left arm this time. I cried out in pain. I was in so much pain I didn't really know what to do. Looking around me I saw no other monsters and how close I was to town.

The monster pulled me closer so it could bite me. I took my change and sliced its throat. It released my arm and fell down. I quickly cut of the rest of there neck and ran towards the closest shop. I closed the door and slumped down against it trying to catch my breath.

I think I'll stay here for a while before going out again in case they weren't the only ones.

Looking around I saw I was in a grocery store. Just the store I need. Damn I'm lucky.

I stood up and walked around getting everything I needed. Things that you can keep for a long time. They weren't the most delicious things but in this world it will have to work.

After I grabbed everything from my list in this store, I saw I only needed the building supplies. I knew there was a do it yourself store close by.

I looked out of the window and saw no monsters. That's good that's good.
I walked towards the door and opened it a little bit. I stuck my head through it and looked outside.

No monsters.

I stepped outside and closed the door silently. I walked towards the other store slowly. I walked closed to the stores so I won't be out in the open.

I halted at the door and took one more look around. No one, that's good.
I opened the door and took a look inside. As far as I can see no monsters.

Door was still closed and no broken windows so if there were monsters in here that would be troublesome. Since that meant they not only knew how to properly open a door but also how to close it.

I opened the door further and walked inside, closed it again and walked further into the store.

I looked at the list for what I needed. Just some wood, nails, hammer and tape.
You can use tape for everything! Always make sure to have tape on you.

I had everything. Wood is hard to put in your backpack but! I had a solution!
I did not only bring a back pack, I also brought some straps. I'll tie the wood together and I'll be able to hold it in one hand, drop it when there's a monster and pick it up when the fights done.

Ain't that smart?

I walked outside after checking if it was safe, which it was. I walked close to the walls again and made it to the road. This time I walked in the left side instead of the right side.

Don't ask me why 'cause I won't be able to answer that question.

I've been walking for a while, going at a slightly slower pace than before. Since I had more stuff with me.

I could already see the fence of my house. No monsters in sight so that's good.
I made it to the fence safely and threw the wood over it.

Incase some monsters did come, it is easier fighting with a backpack on than with wood.

I looked around one more time. It seemed suspiciously quiet. Weird.

Not wanting to stand here when hell did broke lose I threw my backpack over the fence and then climbed over it myself.

I was safe now. I picked up the wood and backpack and walked towards my house. I opened the front door I put my stuff down.

"Hello!? I'm back!"

Silence. Ok I guess Keagan wasn't back yet. I picked up the wood and laid it down in the garage. Or what I believe was a garage. I didn't have the garage doors but it was always cold and smelled like oil and other car stuff.

I walked back to the front door and picked up my backpack and cleaned it out in the kitchen.

Since I was hungry and in the kitchen I made some lunch. I also saw my bandages and decided I would do that before lunch so it had enough time to dry.

After cleaning my bloodied bandages I finally sat down to eat. Guess I have nothing left to do for today apart from waiting.

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