This caught Kylian's attention as his sea green eyes widened slightly.

Chaos worried about something bigger than the potential unmasking of the mythical planet of Crux, his seat of power?

"But as for now, I bestow permission for the Wicked Company to silently assist Tribulation."

Kylian smiles at that, a real authentic smile.

Chaos nods his head in response. "Make them regret that I ever created them."

"Nothing less." Kylian bows before exiting the room. "Safe travels, your grace."

After travelling through an array of twists and turns in the same building, Kylian finally reaches a set of double doors. He pushes them open and almost immediately the sound of the clashing of swords and other weaponry welcomes him. The doors opened to a gigantic hall with walls filled with every weaponry you could think of, a gym looking area at the left side and towards the right was a higher platform.

On this higher platform, two people stood; a young, dark haired girl struggles to lift a longsword that looks nearly twice her height. Her small tanned forehead scrunched up in concentration. Facing her, the tall, muscular man sporting a small trimmed blonde beard on his face. The man, in about his mid twenties, crouched down in a fighting position and carried a similar looking sword to the young girls. He looked about his mid twenties.

Kylian slowly takes in the scene.
"Essence won't take you back so you fight a little girl. Not exactly a very fair fight."

The man, Alexios turns his head almost lazily to the door Kylian leans on with his arms crossed.

"Who says life is fair?"

"I do." He uncrosses his arms and stood up straighter.
"When it concerns my daughter."

Alexios smiles amused, a smile Kylian returns with ease.

" Daddy!" The young girl drops the sword only noticing her father's presence now. Her formerly concentrated face breaks into a wide toothy smile. She rushes to Kylian with her arms wide open.
Kylian gladly lifts her off her feet with a faux tired grunt and hugs her.

"How are you today, sweetheart? And how was planet Zorax?" Kylian smiles at the young child in his arms.

The girl's dark blue almost violet looking eyes light up and she begins to rant about her short weekend at the rainbow planet.

Kylian nods half listening, half thinking about Chaos's approval with working with Tribulation. He remembered the last time the company was employed to shadow the Tribulation. It ended with blood and fire and the Tribs never even knew the Wicked Company was there. 
As they should never.

The Wicked Company is considered a myth to everyone who's heard of them. Chaos has yet to introduce the universe to the company. He had his reasons though, Chaos doesn't do anything do witho-

"Can we?" Arden looks up with hopeful violet looking eyes. Her features almost exactly mirrored her father's when she wasn't smiling.

"I'm sorry, love. What was that?"

She frowns slightly. "Can we go see the big fishes."

Kylian sighs.

"I have very important stuff to do today. Maybe another day."
He despised seeing her face drop with disappointment. "I promise. For now I'm going to need to talk to Alex."

He gives Alexios a pointed look which he comprehends immediately.

Alexios picks up both swords and settles it on the wall with a slight clank.
He grabs a towel and wipes his face and hands before letting it dangle from his side. He then departs from the room.

Chaos Is A Ladder || Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now