so you like men too? | Jyugo (1315)

Start from the beginning

This time Uno seemed to have had enough and stepped forward even though he looked more on the edge than before. Probably because of your aggression and irritation and the time ticking by as Hajime was possibly getting closer and closer.

“C’mon, [Name],” He tried again. “We’re all inmates in the same prison, no need to be that hostile.”

“Are you actually stupid or what? Sure, we’re all in the same prison, but that doesn’t make us friends or ‘mates’ in any way. I couldn’t really care less if you escaped to see me or not, but do you honestly expect me to welcome you with open arms and heart-warming words because you managed to break out?”

Uno, who opened his mouth in protest when you started your ramble, snapped it shut with a loud click of his jaw as your ice-cold irises met with his from the other side of the bars that kept you separated from them. He realised now that asking Jyugo from refraining opening up your cell was a good idea. Of course, you wouldn’t openly attack them right out of the blue, but he knew your short temper better than he wished he did.

“Honestly, I don’t know why we even bothered to come all the way here,” Uno sighed, “but whatever. Jyugo, just ask the bastard already.”

Your (e/c) eyes found Jyugo’s heterochromatic ones immediately at Uno’s words.


It seemed as if he was the sole purpose they went all the way out to block 5. Jyugo wanted to see you for some reason you didn’t know yet, but you were still intrigued. Intrigued by the younger male’s weird quest and intrigued by him.

You sat up from your slightly uncomfortable position in your lone cell to get a proper look at the mentioned boy. He didn’t appear nervous or frightened in any way as your piercing gaze raked him up and down, almost as if you were breaking him down piece after piece.

“Yeah, Jyugo,” You smirked, wanting to get a reaction out of him, “just ask me already. You don’t want Hajime to find you yet, right?”

This made the black and red-haired boy twitch. Because he knew you were right about the time ticking by. This childish quarrel wasted their time instead of getting them somewhere. Sure, you were stubborn, but so were they. If Uno hadn’t given into your manipulating and calculating words, you’d still be arguing with them until Hajime caught up and took them back to block 13.

As he stepped closer to the bars, you saw a noticeable change in his demeanour and expression. Instead of his annoyed and arrogant way of holding his head high, Jyugo seemed humbler and almost humiliated in a way. The flush in his cheeks told another story of embarrassment though and as you stared him down, he quivered slightly as he was affected by your harsh stare.

You raised your eyebrow at this sudden mood change, taking great pleasure in how much you affected him.

“Spill, boy,” you purred out, pleased to see a visible shiver tremble down his spine.

He took a few hesitant steps towards your prison cell, looking into your (e/c) eyes and then averting his own again with every step he took. Nervousness radiated off him in huge waves and the closer he came the bars separating the two of you the smaller his steps got.

Sighing and ruffling your hair some, you rose from the bed not wanting to waste any more time by waiting for the skittish kitten to finally stand in front of your cell. Immediately, Jyugo and the others behind him tensed up, stopping their moments for a brief second. Everyone’s eyes were on your moving form, waiting and twitching for your next movement like prey knowing it's being observed by a predator.

The coldness of the bars brushed against your outstretched hand as you reached in between them to grab Jyugo. Impatience pumped through your veins, and no matter how adorable the boy was, you could feel your patience running thin, “You’re too slow.”

He let out a startled yelp and grabbed at your arm as a reflex. Uno and the remaining two were quick to react when they saw what your hand was aiming for, but not quick enough.

Jyugo let another dissatisfied grunt leave his lips as he felt his body collide with the metal. To say he was shocked was an understatement, but he couldn’t say he hadn’t expected it. Not necessarily that exact scenario, but with your low patience and violent tendencies, it wasn’t exactly a surprise.

“[Name]!” Rock’s angry voice rang behind you, “Let go of him.” It was clear to you that his words were supposed to be threatening, but they didn’t faze you much.

“Why should I?”

Another shudder crawled down Jyugo’s spine by teasing tone laced in your question.

“I’m not gonna hurt him if that is what you believe. Quite the contrary actually.” Swiping the tip of your tongue over your upper lip as an added effect, you felt Jyugo shudder yet again. “He’s just too cute to let go,” you paused and locked eyes with Uno’s uncertain ones, “yet.”

Rock seemed to back off slightly at that, but you could still see the uncertainness and anger in his eyes as he gazed at you with distaste.

Turning your attention back to the boy you were gripping ever so hard, you looked at him in questioning and amusement. Despite you grabbing his collar out of nowhere and pressing his body against the cold metal rather uncomfortably, Jyugo hadn’t resisted nor tried to pry your hand off him. His only reaction was to grip your stronger arm with both of his smaller hands.

“So,” you began again, the curiosity getting the best of you, “why did you seek out me in the first place?”

A low murmur of incoherent words spluttered from his pink lips as a flush crept up his neck.

“Come again?” You asked, finding his nervousness adorable like the rest of him.

“I said,” Jyugo bit his lip as he paused and averted his two-coloured eyes away from your piercing (e/c) ones, “because Uno said my traits wasn’t good enough to get a girlfriend.” The last words ended in a low sulky tone, which you would have problems catching if it hadn’t been for you being so close.

A slight snort came from you and Jyugo’s pout grew. At the same time, you also felt slight irritation and annoyance starting to bubble inside you. Had they really escaped just because of a petty fight over who’s qualifications was better when it came to getting a girl?

“I don’t believe it” You sighed and let go of Jyugo, “Girls? Really?”

Both Jyugo’s and Uno’s face were ablaze as they stared shamefully at the ground.

“Let me guess,” you continued, laughing, “you were arguing about who’s dick is bigger, am I right?”

“Uhm,” Nico stuttered out, “actually you’re mistaken, [Name].”

“Oh, really? Do tell me then, how?”

With a quick glance towards Jyugo and Uno, Nico started; “Jyugo was actually arguing that the fact that he has a hairless body, pink nipples and likes men can get him a girlfriend…”

Laughter erupted from your throat as you clutched your stomach with one hand and a bar with the other, so you wouldn’t collapse onto the floor.

“Is that true?” You wheezed out, reaching for Jyugo again and dragging him up to the bars. “Do you really think that will get you a girlfriend?”

When Jyugo only pouted in reply and turned his blushing expression away from your amused one, you didn’t need anything else as a confirmation. How adorable was he?

“I’ll tell you what,” you smirked at him, “I agree with Uno that those things might not get you a girlfriend, but…”

“But what?” Jyugo barked at you, clearly having had enough of your teasing and playfulness.                                               

“It’ll get you a boyfriend.”

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