"Y- you can't kill me! I'm innocent!" I pleaded as I dug my fingers into the ground, trying to drag myself towards the throne. Only to be jerked backwards by the restraint around my throat.

I glanced at Loki from the corner of my eye and realized he had not budged. A calm, knowing grin grew across his face, and he cocked his head to the side, almost amused at how these events were playing out.

Is this a joke to him? We are going to be killed!

"No!"  A strong, feminine voice interjected.

My eyes darted to the woman standing next to the throne.

She was old, and seemed wise beyond her years. With sad, crinkled lines around her eyes. Time had done a number on her, and she was left looking tired.

The woman placed a threatening hand on the shoulder of the king, and bent until her mouth was level with his ear.

"I will not allow you to kill our son and this mortal girl!" Frigga hissed. It was meant to be a whisper, but the entire throne room had heard it.

"I am no son to you!" Loki boomed, his expression growing angry.

"Silence, boy!" Odin roared in response, his words echoing around the marble room.

He turned back to Frigga and the two exchanged seething, angry words for several minutes.

I could feel the blood rushing in my ears. My hands trembling so furiously that it caused the chains around my wrists to make an unrelenting rattling sound.

My teeth chattered with fear.

I risked a glance at Loki, who still seemed amused. Now slightly angered but, amused. 

"Please!" I wailed again, my voice wracked with sobs.

Less than a month ago I was happily living at home without a care in the world. There was even a boy, that I was beginning to grow fond of. My life was finally falling into place.

Then everything came crashing down when I met him.

I live- lived with my uncle Tony, yes before you even ask the one and only Tony Stark, Iron Man, Super Hero, millionaire, blah blah blah. But to me, he was just uncle Tony. Whom I'd lived with for thirteen years since my parents died in a car accident when I was twelve. Cheesy, yes. But it was my fate. No, I'm not Bruce Wayne. Just a child raised in a poor situation who ended up with a rich uncle.

"What the fuck!"

"Who the fuck are you!?" I screamed, taken aback by the man standing on my bedroom balcony.

His long raven hair was slicked back against the collar of his leather robe. The robe was foreign and resembled something out of a fantasy world. No one has worn armor like this since medieval times, I've never seen anything like it. Was this some sort of weird Cosplay thing?

The robe was long and ended around his ankles, with gold and green accents. He was holding something that looked like a helmet by its long golden... Horns? Antlers? close to his body.

"I am Loki Laufeyson." He announced, proudly, sticking his nose in the air.

If it hadn't been for the fact the he had quite literally broken into my bedroom, and if I wasn't terrified of him, I may have giggled at his pretentious attitude.

Instead, I dryly chuckled in fear.

"T-the mythological Norse God of Lies and Deceit?" I anxiously rambled out, taking a step back from the man.

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