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“Bella?! Bella?!” Ronnie’s voice shouted as she entered into the dark, empty ballet studio

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“Bella?! Bella?!” Ronnie’s voice shouted as she entered into the dark, empty ballet studio. A ballet studio that once filled Ronnie’s heart with happy memories, but now filled her with dread and heartache.

She looks around, noticing many of the mirrors have smashed to the ground. In the corner was James, as he stood over a dying Bella. He inhaled deeply as he caught a whiff of Ronnie. “Hm, looks like we’ve got another course to get through.”

“Leave her alone!” Ronnie screamed as she slowly walked closer towards James.

“I’ll be with you in a second, sweetheart,” He didn’t even turn to Ronnie, just stuck up his index finger.

Ronnie tried to push the screams and cry of Bella out of her head as she tried to think what to do. She looked around the studio, and all she could see was broken glass.

Before James could bite Bella, he stopped and quickly turned around, inhaling the smell of fresh blood. He looked up to see Ronnie standing across from him.

Blood had started flowing from her arm as she cut some of her arm with a piece of broken glass, distracting him, hoping this might save Bella’s life.

“You would really sacrifice your own life if it meant Bella could live?” James laughed as he slowly walked towards Ronnie.

“She’s my sister.” Ronnie sniffed as she tried to hide her tears. “I’d do anything for her. Even kill you.”

“We’ll see about that.”

Before James could even come for Ronnie, he’s knocked to the side, as Edward comes face to face with him. James charges towards Edward, forcing him up against a column.

“You’re alone..because you’re faster than the others. But not stronger.”

From behind them, Ronnie comes running towards them, stabbing James in the back with a sharp piece of broken glass. Losing his grip on Edward, James grabs Ronnie by the throat, watching as Edward leaps towards the balcony door with Bella in his arms. Tightening his grip, he throws Ronnie across the room, letting her smash into a wall of mirrors.

With the glass smashing, Ronnie falls right on it. Her right side of her face feels like it's on fire. She reaches her hand up to her cheek to feel some glass shards stuck in her skin. Drips of blood drip onto her finger. She's in unbearable agony but knows that Bella needs her. She tries to wipe away the blood without touching the glass.

Trying to get up, she watches as James flings Edward up into the top window as Bella falls to the ground, with Ronnie trying to get to her. But she’s not quick enough as James reaches her first.

Looking between Ronnie and Edward with a sinister grin, he sinks his teeth into Bella’s hand. She screams out in agony.

The rage inside Edward erupts as he climbs out of the window and suicide-dive bombs James, savagely ploughing him through the floorboards.

Ronnie, now with Bella, the venom inside her travels through her veins, tries to reassure her sister that everything will be okay. She notices that Bella is bleeding from her leg. She takes her belt off her and wraps it around Bella’s upper thigh, hoping to stop some bleeding.

Ronnie tries to gently move Bella so she doesn’t see anything that is happening, as James is kicking Edward, delivering death blows when suddenly Edward’s hand shoots up and grabs James’ ankle.

Edward roars up to his feet and swings James around like a baseball bat, smashing him into mirror after mirror.

James is battered, beaten. Bella moans, and the sounds of her pain slices through Edward. Ronnie, once again, tries to soothe her as she sees Dr. Cullen is now standing beside Edward, placing a hand on his shoulder.

From the balcony, Alice, Emmett, and Jasper all drop down to join Carlise and Edward.

While the Cullen children finish off James, Dr. Cullen rushes to Ronnie and the injured Bella, who screams again in pain. Edward quickly reaches her side. Dr. Cullen works fast to assess her wounds, focusing on the massive bleed from her leg that Ronnie has tried to stop.

“Her femoral artery’s been severed…” Ronnie shakily speaks as she notices she's covered in Bella’s blood. “I..I’ve tried to stop it, but she’s lost too much blood.”

“It’s on fire!” Bella cried out. “My hand!”

“Venom-” Edward looked between Dr. Cullen and Ronnie.

“You have to make a choice.” Dr. Cullen said as he worked on Bella. “Either let the change happen-”

“No!” Edward argued.

“Please,” Ronnie cried out. “Please save my sister. She can’t die.”

Alice appeared behind Ronnie. “It’s going to happen. I’ve seen it.”

“It doesn’t have to be that way.”

“Veronica, see the belt you used, I need you to cut another hole into it.” Dr. Cullen ordered her. “It needs to be tighter.”

“What’s the other choice?” Edward asked. “You said?”

“Tighter.” Dr. Cullen told Ronnie as she made another hole.


“You can try to suck the venom out.”
“I- won’t be able to stop.” Edward looked down at Bella.

“Find the will to stop!” Ronnie screamed at him. “Please, Edward!”

“Choose, Edward. She only has minutes left.”

Edward looks down at Bella, thrashing in pain. Finally, he takes her hand. She tries to pull away. “It’s alright, Bella. I’ll make it go away.” He looks over at Ronnie, who has tears running down her face.

He then looks down at Bella, starting to suck the venom from her hand. They never take their eyes off one another, the connection palpable, intense. The frenzy has begun. He sucks harder. Hungrily. Anguished, he wants to stop but can’t.

“Stop. Her blood is clean.” Dr. Cullen’s voice sounds miles away.

For Edward, the bloodlust is too strong. He is killing her. Bella begins to lose consciousness.

“Edward, stop!” Ronnie screamingly pleads with him as she starts to push him. “You’re killing her!”

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