6.2 Becca

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I arrived at home right on time for dinner. Dad gave me a sceptic look, wanting to scold me for being to late while technically I was still on time.
"So? Did you have fun out?" he asked. I shrugged, not really giving him an answer. Like, yeah dad, so I watched this clip of the missing Smith guy where they reveal that his parents are spies and they kidnapped him for blackmail information! So I figured out where they're keeping it, believe me, much more difficult than a sudoku.

Yeah, don't think so.

"Where did you go?" he asked, trying to get a conversation going.
"Okay, just tell me already. What is it?" I asked and put my fork down, looking at him.
"What? What do you mean?" he asked nervously.
"You're trying to be nice which means that you either want me to do something or you're gonna do something I don't like. So what is it? Spit it out, come on" I stated. He sighed and went through his hair with one hand while twisting his knife in the other.

"Well... It's like this uhm you see I uh invited Harper and her daughter over for dinner tomorrow" he said, carefully choosing his words.
"And you expect me to be there, isn't it?" I asked, disgust in my voice.
"Sweetie, please, just give them a chance alright?"
I rolled my eyes and got up.
"Fine!" I groaned, complaining.
"I'll be nice to them! But don't expect me to like it!"
"Of course not..." he mumbled as I made my way to my room. I grabbed my phone out of my purse and started texting Heather.

-Guess whose coming over for dinner tomorrow night???
-Yeah, dad just told me about it
-Ask you're mom about it
-Why are we coming over?? I don't get it
-Guess this couple stuff is getting real...
-Oh Gods
-Yeah tell me about it
-Does this mean what I think it means??
-Kinda depends on what you're thinking
-They're coming out!!
-They're going public!!
-Argh... Great...
-Just what we need right now...
-Btw have you spoken to Thomas??
-He's brushing me off everytime I try to talk
-Yeah, he did the same to me
-So I went to his house today
-How did he react?? Did he even let you in?!?!
-I can be pretty persuasive thank you very much
-So how'd go??
-I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say
-But good news is that he's still fighting!!
-Tell me now
-Promise me you'll keep quiet
-How many times do you have to ask that?? YES I'LL KEEP QUIET!!! Now just tell me!!!
-So Smith's kidnappers send all his contacts some threat message and Thomas was totally freaking out about it.
-It's like this, so they want blackmail info that they thought Eric had but he lost it at Thomas' house so that'S why they took him and now Hunter is feeling guilty as hell
-Are you for real?!?!
-No, I'm making this up to start drama.
-What the hell do you think Stewart?!
-You're fucking Becca Lewis, who knows what to believe with you!!
-Guess that's true
-But anyway, I analysed the video and noticed Eric was using Morse Code and I translated it and found out his location
-I think
-How are you able to stay calm?!?!
-Saying all this crazy shit like it's the most normal thing in the fucking world!!!!
-I learned to redirect my panic to the inside so I'm inner flipping atm
-Actually I do that to all my emotions
-So you done freaking out??
-Yeah... For now
-So what did the cops say???
-The cops??
-You did go to the police, right?
-Maybe not, it's not such a big deal
-Thomas didn't want to okay!! And I respect his wishes
-Besides, we don't even know if my location is the right one
-And his parents could've got him by now, I mean they're spies after all
-Wait, I didn't tell you??
-Well okay hold on cause you're in for a wild ride

I started explaining everything that was said in the clip and tried to calm her down as much as possible, hoping she wouldn't scream it to someone or go to the police. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone and if Hunter found out I told Heather... Well, he'll never trust me with anything ever again. And that's the last thing I wanted, surely now that I know he and Eric would be the cutest couple ever. I needed every detail of that relationship! I sighed. If that ever happened though... Anyway, it's not the time to look forward to much, let me just survive dinner with the Stewarts and I'll be thrilled.


Yes, our greeting was out of this world, thanks for noticing. It almost seems like we aren't actual friends! Gasp! Note the sarcasm. Dad eyed me, urging me to be nice. I rolled my eyes and looked at Heather with a bored expression on my face.
"Can I take your coat?"

She supressed a laugh while nodding. Servant Lewis everybody! A sight to behold! I took her jacket and placed it with the others. Our parents were already lost in conversation while Heather and I just played games on our phone, keeping ourselfs busy in silence. Sometimes we glanced up at each other in disgust when our parents got to much but other than that we stayed apart.

I must say, I was comfortable with the whole evening being like this but unfortunately things never quite work out, do they? Because suddenly Hunter called. Why? I don't know. I frowned at my screen and flashed it to Heather so she could read it as well. Same reaction. I got up and walked to the hallway before answering.

"Thomas? What the hell, why are you calling? I'm in the middle of something" I stated.
"Yeah, me to" he breathed. It sounded like he was cold and outside. Like he was nervous about something...
"Where are you?" I asked instantly.
"Thomas, what are you up to? I swear to God if you do something stupid I-"
"I'm not gonna kill myself" he interrupted, calming me down a little.
"I-I'm taking the bunny to that warehouse"

"What?!" I hissed with wide eyes.
"That's suicide! You can't do that!"
"It's the only way I'm getting Eric back" he cried.
"Thomas, please, listen to me" I started.
"Eric's parents will get him out of there, they probably already have"
"No! They haven't! If Eric was out, they would've come for the bunny! But I still have it, don't I?" he cried.
"So he's not free. He's still in there and I'm gonna get him out!"

"You're crazy!" I hissed, trying to supress my voice.
"You can never pull this off alone!"
"By all means, feel free to help" he said seriously.
"I've got to go, I'm only five minutes away"
He simply disconnected, leaving me freaking out in the middle of my hallway. I had to do something, I had to stop him some way...

"Heather!" I spoke loudly as I entered the oom once again, making everybody look up at me.
"C-care to join me for a minute?"
She got up and walked with me. I started explaining while putting my shoes on and she did the same.
"We have to get to him before he gets himself shot" I stated, grabbing the car keys.
"You have a licence, right?"
"Yes" she breathed and grabbed the keys from my hand.
"Let's go"


We stopped as I saw Thomas walking at the side of the road.
"Hunter!" I shouted when I got out the car, making him turn around so fast he almost broke his own neck. I flinched at the speed and heard Heather did the same.
"Oh, that must hurt" she whispered and slammed the door shut, locking the car.

"W-what are you two doing here?" he asked, trying to sound brave but failing terribly.
"Well, you're the one that invited us over" Heather stated.
"Y-you told her?" he asked. He felt betrayed, I could sense it. But that wasn't the most important thing right now.
"That doesn't matter, you can't give them the rabbit" I stated, crossing my arms.
"Do you have any idea what they'll do if they get their hands on it?!"
"They'll set Eric free" he hissed and started walking again.
"You don't know that!" Heather shouted, running after him. I followed them, not wanting anyone to go alone.

What the hell did I get myself into?

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