2.4 Becca

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"Ready to get those two apart?" Cassandra asked, pointing out the two boys that just walked in. If you asked me yesterday I would've said totally, but now that I knew Thomas was actually sick... I understood his actions so much more now. I mean, he's still a total asshole but now I at least knew why.

"Becca? Everything okay?"
"Oh, yeah, sure, totally" I said quickly.
"Come on, let's tear down this so called friendship shall we?"
We walked towards the two and I saw Hunter hiss something to Smith. Eric turned serious and avoided our looks.
"Hey, you're Eric right? The new guy at school?" Cassandra asked him.
"Yeah, Eric Smith" he said with a forced smile and waved a little.
"And who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Becca and this is Cassandra" I said with a fake smile and stared at Thomas with pity. Unbelievable he was really sick...
"Nice to meet you!" Eric grinned.
"Well, we're actually here with a reason" Cassandra stated, glaring at me.
"It's about Hunter... He didn't tell you about his past, right?"
"Wait? What do you mean?" Eric asked, frowning. Thomas' face switched as well, not knowing what he was getting at.
"I'm sure you already heard the rumors" I started, not really wanting to ruin Thomas' chance on happiness. Who knows how long he still has? I mean, his medication was working but for how long? A lot of things can go wrong.

"Oh, right! Those lies!" Eric exclaimed, out of nowhere, taking me by surprise.
"Yeah, Thomas told me about all of them. He warned me for the two of you as well, actually. So back the fuck off or I'll show you the fist your boyfriend was to scared to endure"
Our eyes widened and Hunter tried not to burst into laughing. He just grinned and threw his arm around Eric's frame, guiding him on their way.

"What the fuck just happened?" Cass breathed out.
"I have absolutely no idea" I sighed, still in shock.
"Taylor is gonne be pissed" Cass stated and I nodded.
"That's an understatement to say the least" I whispered.
"Anyway... I gotta get going. I need to grab some stuff before class, see you later"


Well, if you thought this morning was bad, you should see what happened after school. During the day I had no struggles or problems, I aced my math test and made all my homework. But after school... Just... Argh! I can't even think about it!

My dad was late, nobody was there to pick me up. So I called, like, a zillion times but no answer. I shrugged it off, thinking he was hold up in surgery or something and took a bus home.

Taylor had offered to walk home with him but I denied. I wasn't in the mood to hang out with him, knowing he would try to get in my pants the entire time. I mean, he was not always like that but I could just see the lust lingering on his face.

So in the end I went home, taking the bus, not waiting for my daddy to pick me up. That might've been one of the bigger mistakes I've made in my life. You know how Mrs Stewart has a relationship with my dad and it's like super gross and stuff? Well, I might've seen them when I got home. And when I say seen, I mean half naked on the kitchen counter, making out like there's no tomorrow.

I instantly walked out of there and up to my room, shutting the door behind me while still taking everything in. I was breathing loudly as I fell onto my bed in disbelieve. Well, that could've been from running up the stairs that fast but I don't think that's the only factor, do you?

"Rebecca?" my dad called from downstairs. No response. What was he expecting? That I would be okay with all this? He didn't even know I already knew!
"Rebecca, sweetie, please open up the door"
"Why would I?!" I hissed to him.
"Just let me in, I'll explain-"
"I don't need your stupid explanation!" I yelled in tears.
"Just go away! And take that whore with you!"
"Rebecca!" he gasped in shock.

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