3.3 Heather

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"We have to talk"
I looked up from my lunch to see Becca Lewis standing in front of me. I frowned, confused.
"What do you want?" Benji hissed.
"I was talking to Stewart, idiot" she hissed back and stared me down.
"In private. Now. It's important"
"Define important" I asked.
"It's about your mother" she said seriously.

"Something that could affect your life forever. I would like you to know before you hear it from someone else"
"Why? So you can rub whatever problem it is in my face?" I hissed.
"What did she do? Cry at work? Yell at a collegue? Lost her temper? She's grieving Becca! But I don't expect you to understand that!"
"I said it's about your mother, not your father" Becca hissed and crossed her arms.

"Just come with me, you're making a huge scene for nothing... 5 minutes tops, I promise"
I huffed and got up from my seat, telling Benji to watch my stuff as I followed missy out of the canteen. We walked all the way outside to a bench at the edge of school grounds. It was cold out and I didn't have my jacket at the moment. This better be important.

"So what was so urgent that you just couldn't wait to rub into my face hm?"
"Actually, I've known for a while now but I wasn't sure if I should tell you with what was going on with your father..." she started, pity showing in her eyes. Wait, she cared? No, this must be some acting trick.
"But I think it's going to far and you should know what's going on"
She gave me a weak sad smile before looking me in the eyes, speaking once more.
"Your mother has an affair with my father" she whispered.
"It's been going on for months, so even before your father's death. I'm sorry"
"N-no, you're lying" I hissed.
"Mom would never do something like that!"
"I saw them myself Heather" she stated, as serious as I've ever seen her.

"Check your moms texts if you don't believe me. I just thought you had a right to know since it concerns you as well. And just to be clear, I'm absolutely disgusted by them and I don't want to see those two together either"
She turned around, faced to the school building.
"I'll be here if you wanna talk about it" she sighed and headed back inside, leaving me standing in the cold, quite literary.

I just stared in front of me, not believing what she just told me. This couldn't be true, right? This had to be some kind of prank to get to me, it couldn't be anything else. Whatever she just said or what her intentions were, it can never be the truth. Becca Lewis never tells you something without you having to bare the consequences. It's not how she works. She doesn't do charities. So what the hell was she up to? Wasn't I hurting enough already?


"So? What was that all about?" Benji asked as I returned to the table.
"Nothing" I said quickly and ate on. He gave me a confused gaze and frowned.
"Tell me"
"It was nothing" I hissed.
"Just forget about it okay?"
He just stared at me, afraid to say anything else but not wanting to leave it at this either.
"We're coming back to this" he finally said and continued eating as well. It was akward and quiet and I hated it. There was this vibe between us lately I just couldn't stand. Like we couldn't talk to each other anymore...

"Whatever she told you wasn't nothing and I wanna know" he said out of the blue.
"I'm your best friend Heather. Tell me"
"No, not yet, not till I'm sure" I whispered, staring at the table.
"So I'm right, it is something" he stated.
"Yes! There is something okay! Now just shut up!" I shouted, making a scene. After that there was silence. People giving us weird glances. Intense staring into each others eyes. Nothing was said, nothing was done. Like the world had just stopped. But it didn't. I knew that. I wasn't important enough for the world to care anyway...


Mom was busy typing on her pc when I got home. Work, I guess. I didn't talk to her, not wanting to interupt, walking straight past her to the kitchen to get something to eat. Her phone was charging there... I admit, what Becca said was still lingering in the back of my mind. Should I..? No! There was no way that what she told me the truth. Like I said before, she never just says something...

I sighed and glanced over at mom, who was still to busy to even notice me. I picked up her phone and unlocked it. A click sound echoed through the house. Seriously? She doesn't put her phone on silent?! Argh... Guess that's the first thing I'll do... After that was done I opened up her messages. And just like Becca insinuated her father was the one at the top. I scanned through their texts. Mostly things work related but then... I put the phone down instantly and went up to my room. There was only one word running through my head the entire way.

No... No, no, no!

Becca was right... Becca was right! She told me the truth! And without harmful intentions! But maybe this were her harmful intentions? Maybe she wanted to fully break me, leaving me with no parents to fall back to at all. But she sounded so sincere... I didn't understand any of this! Mom had been cheating on dad for who knows how long and Becca knew for months before telling me anything?! That's not who she is...

But Lewis wasn't my biggest concern at the moment... Mom had been cheating on dad. She has a relationship with another. Did she even care about my father at all?! Or did she just move on from the moment he got sick? Did she just acted and held up a parade for the outside world? Were they gonna announce their relationship after my father's death? Were they waiting until it would be acceptable? Nobody would know, everyone would be happy for them... I groaned and punched my pillow.

No! This couldn't be true! Tears sting in my eyes. This couldn't be happening... Why me? Why always me? Why couldn't the Gods torture someone else? Why was it my life that was destined to be a mess? Look at me, I'm a little good-for-nothing, worthless, cry baby! I didn't deserve anything!

The first tear left my eye. Followed by a second, a thrird... After that the water flowed freely over my cheeks down on my face. I tried to be silent, not wanting to be heard by mom. How could she do this to me?! To dad?! To our family?! My sadness turned into anger. I grabbed my phone and searched Becca on social media to send her a message.

-You were right about them, I saw it for myself as well
-Told you
-So are you holding up alright??

Why the hell did she want to know that? Why did she care at all? It's not like her to be nice. I just know she's up to something.

-Since when do you care??
-Plz Heather I just wanna help
-Why can't you just accept help when it's offered to you??
-Maybe cause it's coming from you??
-I get why you don't trust me alright, but just give me a chance at this
-You think this is easy for me or something??
-Knowing my father is dating a maried women, the wife of one of his patients none the less!!
-Like I told you at school, I find it absolutely disgusting
-So do something about it
-Like what? You have a masterplan or something??
-Well, you're always the girl with a plan, are you not?
-Making people break up is one of your specialties, or so I was told
-That only happened once! ONCE!! And Steven was abusing her! It was for the better
-Miranda said you spread that rumor
-That it wasn't true
-Why would she lie??
-Why would I lie?
-Cause you're Becca Lewis, you have a reputation you know
-Oh believe me, I am well aware of that
-The dumb blond that's always up to no good right? That's how everyone sees me
-Fine by me, really
-At least I know the truth
-So why did you tell me?? Why do you suddenly care??
-Honestly idk
-Guess I had enough of this parade, the image I must uphold
-Stone cold bitch, remember??
-That were some fancy words for someone of your intelligece
-You have absolutely no idea how smart I actually am Stewart
-So don't even get me started
-Then why act so stupid?
-If you're really that smart, you wouldn't make such dumb choices
-You know nothing about my life okay?! So keep the hell away from it!! I just wanted to support you cause I know you're having a hard time with everything that's going on! I wanted to be nice for once!!! Apparently it's NOT apriciated!!

Through different eyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora