2.1 Eric

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Thomas closed the door to his room behind him and I could hear him sigh. I was sitting on his bed in silence, waiting for him to start explaining. He turned around and I saw tears shimmering in his eyes. I stared down at the ground and bit my lip. I could hear his silent crying and shut my eyes, having a hard time myself.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have react the way I did I-I... But please just answer me this... A-are you dying Thomas?"
"Not yet" he whispered through the tears and forced out a smile.
"My medication is working so..."
"T-that's great" I breathed out.
"So uhm why is everyone at school avoiding you?"
"Cause I thought I was gonna die and I behaved like a giant asshole" he said and chuckled a bit, wiping the tears from his face.
"So I'm known as the biggest jerk around... Yey me"

"Why don't you just tell them? Explain what you went through? W-what you're still going through?"
"You don't understand" he muttered and looked at the ground. I wasn't the type to get attached to people quickly but something about Thomas just called for me. Like a scream for help. Maybe...

"So, you asked me here, what are we gonna do?"
He gave me a surprised look.
"Oh, uhm, I-I thought I would help you with school you know? Getting all your books all filled in and stuff..."
"Okay, great, let's do it" I said.
"O-of course" he said and forced a smile.
"We'll go to the dining room, there's more space there"


"I'm home!" I heard a female voice echoo through the house.
"Dining room!" Thomas shouted back while writing something down. An older girl walked in, talking about some boring lecture. She was surprised when she saw me and cut herself short.
"Hi Ellie" Thomas smiled and looked at his sister.
"Uhm, hi... Who's this?" she asked slowly.

"This is my new friend Eric" he smiled and looked at me.
"This is my sis Ellie"
"Oh, well, nice to meet you Eric" she said with a smile.
"Dad is gonna be home late, I'm starting on dinner okay?"
"Need some help?" Thomas asked.
"No I'm good" she said and left for the kitchen.

"She seems nice" I said while copying Thomas' books.
"Yeah, she is" Thomas laughed.
"But hands off, she's my sister"
"Oh please, like I was thinking about that" I laughed and pushed him on his side.
"It's not like I'm into that anyway"

I bit my lip and hoped he wouldn't noticed my slip up. Only my parents knew I fell for guys, others didn't need to know. The only thing it could get me into was bullying for a few weeks until I moved again. It's not like I can get a lasting relationship anyway...
"What do you mean? You're gay or something?" Thomas asked laughing. I just kept on writing and tried to ignore any reaction he might give.

"Can I have your history book? I'm done with geography" I asked, not even looking at him.
"S-sure" he said and pulled a book from some pile in front of him.
"Thanks" I said and started copying.
"Guess we both have our secrets huh?" he stated with a smirk.
"Yeah, let's not talk about it" I said quickly and went back to work. Thomas put on some music and we worked without really saying something.


"Hey guys, is Eric gonna stay for dinner or what?" Eleanor asked while walking into the room.
"It's already so late?" I asked surprised and looked at my phone.
"Oh my God, my parents are gonna kill me!"
"Well, call them!" Thomas exclaimed laughing at how I was freaking out. I pressed on my mom's number and heard it ringing. I got up and went to the hallway so they weren't listening in.

"Eric, where the hell are you?" mom hissed as she picked up.
"I told you I was going somewhere right?" I started.
"Well, they asked me if I'm gonna stay for dinner"
"You went home with someone?!" she hissed.
"Oh come on! He's a friend from school, he's in my class"
"Oh it's a he huh?"
"Mom!" I complained.
"It's not like that and you know it. Can I stay for dinner or not?"
"How are you gonna get home?"
"I can take the bus" I shrugged.
"Okay, but I want you home before ten, understand?"
"Yes mom" I sighed.
"Love you"
"Love you to" I muttered and disconnected.

"So you're staying?"
I turned around in surprise and grabbed my chest where my heart is.
"Jezus Thomas!" I hissed.
"Your volume is very loud you know" he laughed and I felt myself turn red.
"S-shut up, I don't wanna hear one word okay?" I muttered and put my phone away.
"Sure" he smirked.
"Your mom thinks we're hooking up but let's not talk about it huh?"
"Shut up" I hissed and walked back to the dining room.

"So uhm, can I help out? Set up the table?"
"Yes, that's very nice of you Eric" Eleanor smiled and looked at Thomas with an accusing glare.
"Hey! I asked the same thing!" he exclaimed.
"Come on Eric, I'll show you where everything is"


Thomas' dad had arrived not so long ago. He's a father alright, there's nothing that describes him more than that. In the first ten minutes he's been here, I've already heard three bad dad jokes that made Thomas and Eleanor cringe. And the food was delicious. Eleanor made lasanga! It tasted like heaven!

"I see you like it" Thomas chuckled.
"It's absolutely amazing" I stated.
"Thank you"
"No thank you" Ellie smiled.
"Oh uhm Thomas, it's time for you know what"
"Oh, right" he sighed and got up. He walked to the kitchen and I furrowed my brows. What did he need to do?

Thomas came back with all kinds of medication. My eyes widened as he sat back down next to me and displayed all his pills and bottles.
"Oh, he didn't tell you?" his father asked.
"No, I did" Thomas said with a sad smile and looked at me.
"It's my medication, I need to take this stuff every day"
"All of it?" I asked in shock and started inspecting all the little bottles.
"Some even twice a day" he explained and started getting all his pills, displaying the onces he had to take.
"Dude, I can't swallow even one pill" I breathed out.

"Well, it keeps me alive" he chuckled but I saw the pain in his eyes.
"Can I have some more water Ellie?"
He downed all his medication in like fiftheen minutes. After that we packed up our books and homework and I prepared myself to leave.

"So, wanna catch a movie or something this weekend?" I asked.
"I mean, if we're gonna do this friend thing we better do it right"
"Sure it's not cause you might like me?" he asked, grinning.
"Oh please, don't get your hopes up" I laughed.
"Oh no, I have to go to the hospital Saturday" he sighed.
"Sunday maybe?"
"Sure thing" I smiled.
"See you tomorrow"
"Yeah, tomorrow" he breathed out and closed the door.


I walked into the appartement building with my headphones on my ears, not really caring about the things around me. I entered the crappy elevator and pressed the button for my floor. It made a sickening cracking noise so I turned the sound of my music up. Why was I living here? Well, my parents move around a lot, I never said we were rich...

I made my way to our new front door and sighed, taking of my headphones. I could already hear our top neighbours making noise and groaned while pushing open the door.

"I'm home" I exclaimed and threw my bag on the ground.
"And how was your first day at school?" dad asked.
"Really? This was not my first 'first day at school' you know?"
"I heard from your mother that you made a friend"

He sounded surprised. Ha, I would be as well.

"Yeah, he's kinda cool" I shrugged.
"And he helped me catch up with school today. We might go do something in the weekend"
"Oh really?" he asked with a smug smile.
"Oh come on! Not you to!" I exclaimed.
"Who do you think talked your mom into it?" he laughed.
"I'm not gonna let some guy break your heart, you're my baby boy"
"Sure you're not gay?" I asked sceptical.
"Oh please, I was just joking and you know it" he laughed.

"And now serious, what's his name?"
"Thomas Hunter" I answered and saw him grab his phone.
"What are you gonna do with that?"
"I may be old, but I do know what Instagram is Eric" he stated and I saw him type.
"Oh man, it's private! Who sets his profile on private?!" dad exclaimed.
"He's hiding something, I'm sure of it"
Yeah, cancer... Hmm, I wonder if he'd accept my request? Maybe, maybe not. We'll see...

Through different eyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora