Chapter 2 : True-Red Murder Mystery - Part 2 - Daily Life

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Tamaki tensed as he heard a knock at his door.

It had been three days since the trial, and he'd yet to see a single person except for Mirio and Nejire. The class seemed to have made a silent pact to avoid each other as much as possible, out of fear and grief. He didn't mind that too much. It was nice to be able to stay in his room and its many potted blossoms all day, or to eat with Mirio and Nejire in one of their dorms and talk about hope and despair and other mind-induced concepts. 

Today, however, something appeared to have changed.

Tamaki approached the entryway with caution. If it'd been Mirio or Nejire, they would've said something upon knocking to confirm their presence. As he opened the door, however, nobody was there.

Confused and slightly off-put by such a disturbance, he recoiled back into his room, only to see the note slipped under the door. It was a small piece of notebook paper, hastily torn from its rings. When he picked it up, Tamaki instantly recognized Mirio's scrawl.

'Meet in the cafeteria ASAP for group meeting!

Mirio '

Tamaki considered the offer. For one, a sudden group meeting might ensue with violence, lest anybody decides to suspect another and start a fight. Tensions were high, so it was a major risk to gather all the remaining 21 extremely emotional and likely traumatized kids in one enclosed space.

On the other hand, Tamaki was absolutely certain that the note did, in fact, come from Mirio. The two had never explicitly told anybody except Nejire that they were together, so the addition of the heart was a personal touch. It was a very Mirio thing to do, Tamaki realized with a pang of warmth, adding the little heart next to the signature. Besides, Tamaki refused to believe anybody could forge Mirio's handwriting and signature quite so well. He'd know that trademark bouncy, messy scrawl anywhere.

Tamaki trusted Mirio with every inch of his soul. He was the sun, a beacon of hope to light the way for the others. If he were going to try and bring the class back together, his efforts may pay off for the better in the long run.

But just to be sure, Tamaki swiftly tucked the note in his pocket and headed straight for Nejire's room. Upon rapping on her door and calling her name, the blue-haired girl bounded out of her room.

"Huh? Tamaki?" Nejire eyed him up and down with dull blue irises. "What's wrong? Do you not feel well? Are you worried? Sick? Anxious? Or did you get a note?" 

"I'm fine," he replied quickly, cutting off Nejire's overwhelming spew of questions. "I just have to go to the group meeting. You got that note, too? From Mirio?"

Confusion spilled across Nejire's face. "From Mirio? I got one from Tsu... it said to go to the cafeteria for a group meeting. I bet it's the same meeting, though."

Tamaki let out a sigh. "Good. I just wanted to see if we were all on the same boat. Come on then, we should get going."

Tamaki and Nejire made their way down to the cafeteria. They didn't run into anyone on the way there, but once they arrived it was clear they weren't early. At one secluded table in the corner of the room, Izuku, Shouto, and Yuga settled together. Behind the half-wall, Mezou sat alone with his arms crossed. Fumikage hovered a couple meters away, occasionally eyeing the Ultimate Heavylifter.

Tsuyu and Mirio stood together at the head of the long table. Katsuki, Hanta, Mina, Eijirou, and Denki sat at the opposite end, crowding together for a sense of security. Tamaki and Nejire sidled up next to their friends. Tsuyu murmured an offhanded greeting, while Mirio nodded in acknowledgement. He glanced around the room, his sapphire eyes alight with worry.

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