Prologue : Yuuei Turned Rogue - Part 2

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Kyouka awoke from a deep, dark slumber. As she roused, blinking away the remnants of her sleep, she found herself seated in a dim room. Her head and arms had been resting on the smooth, cold, wooden table before her.

"Hmm?" She mumbled. "Where am I?"

As her mismatched crimson and violet eyes adjusted to the low light, she realized she was in what appeared to be a conference room. The U-shaped table was surrounded by chairs. Blinking away the last of her drowsiness, she was overcome by a wave of confusion. How did I get here?

Then she remembered.

The attack, watching her friends being taken down around her, being shot and falling unconscious... Now, as she looked around, she realized that she was not alone.

"Yaomomo?" Kyouka looked to her right. "And Denki..." She looked towards her left to see the electric boy.

Around the table, she identified Yuga, Mezou, Ochako, and Mei. They all seemed to be asleep. As she continued glancing about, she realized something odd. In the corner of the room was a surveillance camera, staring down at her with a round, dark lens. I've never seen any cameras like that around the school before... Unnerved by its watchful gaze, Kyouka decided to step outside.

She got up, trying not to let her chair creak too loudly, and walked over to the door. It opened without trouble. Outside in the hall, however, things didn't look any better. The windows had been covered with massive metal plates. Huge, iron screws bolted them to the wall, preventing any sunlight from streaming in. Their only indication of time was to trust the clocks on the walls.

Kyouka trotted over to the nearest one and leaned on one of the bolts, putting her entire body weight on it in an attempt to move it. The hunk of rough metal didn't even budge a millimeter. Huffing, she stepped back, scrutinizing the plate. "Maybe I can wake up Yaomomo, and she could create something and get us out... Mezou's strong too. And Yuga's laser..."

Kyouka re-entered the room, glancing up at the sign next to the doorframe as she walked by. It read, "Conference Room A".

The tomboy approached the Creation girl. "Yaomomo? Yaomomo?" She gently shook her friend's shoulder.

Yaomomo groaned and blinked open her stormy gray eyes. "Wh- Kyouka?" She lifted her head off of the table. "Where are we?"

"A conference room in U.A., I think. The windows are bolted shut." She gestured outside through the open door. "Could you help me with the bolts?"

"Of course." Yaomomo got up and stepped out to take a look. Meanwhile, Kyouka awoke the others in a similar fashion.

Once the group was gathered outside, Yaomomo rolled up her sleeve, then closed her eyes. Two awkward heartbeats later, during which everybody stared blankly at her, she reopened her eyes and blinked down at her arm, confused.

"Strange. I can't use my quirk. What about you, Kyouka?"

"Um..." Kyouka willed her earphone jacks to extend and hit the ground. They didn't respond to her wishes, staying limp and draping on her shoulders. "I can't... Maybe it's something from that bullet I'd been shot with. It gave me this tingly feeling."

"Yeah, were those real bullets?" Ochako asked, worry tugging at her voice. "They did feel weird... even stranger is that all of my wounds have been healed. There's not a trace of any of them."

"We better find our classmates first, though. They've got to be around here somewhere," Mezou suggested.

Together, Kyouka, Yaomomo, Denki, and their friends began wandering about. They quickly found out that they were on the fourth floor of the U.A. main building. Venturing to the teachers' lounge and Recovery Girl's office, they found Rikidou, Fumikage, Tsuyu, and Shouto and Katsuki. Kyouka had discovered the latter pair arguing in the lounge.

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