Chapter Twenty-Six

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I have cried myself to sleep multiple times throughout my life--

He's not exaggerating.

--but I don't think I've ever truly cried this hard before. I cried so hard that I don't even remember the falling asleep part.

I mean, you don't usually remember that part because you generally don't remember falling asleep--

Get on with it, kid.


Anyway, after I indirectly caused the entire room to burst into uncontrollable sobs of anguish over the girl I indirectly murdered, I don't really remember much before I suddenly take in the sight of the ceiling, the room now silent except for the occasional soft snore.

A bit disoriented, I keep myself from groaning as I slowly sit upwards, several of my battered bones popping and cracking.

I don't want to think about what will happen when you're older.

Somewhat agreeing with him, I run a hand over my eyes and attempt to squint through the darkness around me.

The usual noises of the city still somewhat reach us, leaving the silence a lot more calming than I'm used to back in Black Hollow where sounds in the night usually mean a monster is coming to scoop out your liver.


It takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust and I make out Cedrick and Nicky wrapped up in blankets on one side of the room and Cole and Kirby on the other, all of them completely passed out.

I'm even more confused on what day it is, since I didn't exactly know when I originally woke up, but something about not seeing Hendrick here, too, makes my chest tighten in worry.

Maybe he is so guilt-ridden about Cammy that he tossed himself off the balcony.

What, of course not! He has a freaking baby now, a-and besides, he helped me talk Cole down from the ledge, he wouldn't toss himself over!

I-I mean, he wouldn't, right?

Despite my better judgement which says to stay in bed, I can't contain the red hot panic in my heart about Hendy's whereabouts.

Throwing my feet over the side of the bed, I'm actually quite surprised to be able to stand without much pain, everything actually a lot more stiff and sore than anything else. I'm still incredibly unstable though and need to hold the bed to walk upright until stumbling over face first into the wall.

The thought of waking everyone up hurts worse than the impact of the wall against my face, but just as I fear that exact result, I slowly peer over my shoulder and let out a sigh of relief once I fail to see any movement.

With hands flat against the wall, I carefully side-step towards the door, knowing my old bedroom so well that I don't even need to see where I'm going.

Still distraught on where Hendrick had wandered off to, I have the bedroom door cracked open when I suddenly hear the soft words of a heated conversation.

"You have never been allowed here, Donovan, what makes you think you're welcomed now?"

"Oh, don't be like that, Henry! I simply wanted to know if little Mikah was well!"

"We both know that's complete bullshit."

"Henry, language."

I'm obviously surprised to overhear such hostility coming from my living room in the middle of the night, but hearing my grandma's voice in that sort of setting seems strange to me.

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