Chapter Eighteen

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Despite our touching family moment that night, the weeks that followed were anything but relaxing.

Dad agreed to let us go back to Wattacon for a week, but as the days passed, he began to bring up anything and everything that could go wrong, but the joke was on him because Hakim had already written a book about it and clobbered my brain to a pathetic pulp.

Hendrick was officially a free man once he received his diploma in the mail, which Mom immediately framed and hung up on the wall.

The previous night I had read horror stories and theories about why Green Meadows School for Boys didn't have a graduation ceremony. The stories ranged from simple theories about lack of money and number of students, to stories about kids who brutally killed themselves on stage.

Whatever the truth was, everytime I walked pass that diploma, I felt a shiver run down my spine.

Now that Hendrick's plans were open, the next step was asking Nicky's parents and Cedrick's grandparents, who were surprisingly easy to convince.

Even now I feel bad for secretly hoping they'd say no.

Because you're a horrible friend.

Kirby wasn't a problem since...well...

Nobody loves him.

After everyone got permission and went home to pack, Hendrick and I actually had a harder time with our own father than anyone else.

Dad could've easily told us no, or even demanded that we stay home, but he tried to convince us instead, which obviously didn't work on Hendrick.

Me...? Eh...

You're such a spineless bastard.

With parents and guardians notified, the tickets bought, and Kirby checked for no tag-a-long murder moose, we were finally on our way to the airport, which was an hour drive from home.

The moment we loaded up our suitcases and buckled up, Hakim started to launch senarios at me left and right.

What if you forget the tickets?
What if you get on the wrong plane?
Will they make Kirby ride below?
What if the plane crashes?
Who will you eat first?
How long could you survive before slowly sinking into absolute insanity?

I'm already regretting this.

"I want you to call me everyday, do you understand?" Dad tells Hendrick firmly as we pull up to All-Wing International, all of us hopping out to retrieve our bags.

"Yes, sir," Hendrick nods, not giving Dad another chance to try and stop us.

Just when we were about to head inside, a soft poke in my back causes me to peer over my shoulder at our little rabbit friend who appears troubled.

Here we fucking go!

As Hakim jumps to conclusions, I slowly turn around to await the news.


"Mickey, I can't find my boarding pass!" Kirby whispers frantically, patting at both of his pockets.

"What?!" I squeal, my voice catching in my throat.

"I swear I had it five seconds ago!"

My mind begins to whirl a mile a minute, the overwhelming urge to puke punching me repeatedly in the face.

We aren't even on the plane yet and stuff is going wrong!

"Oh, wait a minute..."

Kirby freezes and suddenly blinks blankly before reaching into his underwear and yanking his papers out with a large grin.

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