Chapter Nineteen

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Thankfully, I can report that no deaths followed our gravity defying trip through the skies, but it was anything but relaxing. It also didn't help that those weird Men in Black impersonators kept walking up and down the aisle every few minutes.

Both Hendrick and Cedrick kept reassuring me that we were almost there, even Nicky and Kirby adding in their own support from behind us, but Hakim's words overpowered them all.

What was that?
This shaking is pretty intense.
Pretty sure we're about to crash.
Dude, your ears can pop so hard that you can go deaf!
What if a bird flies into the engine?
What if this becomes a second 9/11?

It wasn't until we landed in Wattacon International that I finally allowed myself to breathe, not able to stop trembling as we walked across the solid ground of the airport.


As we successfully claim our luggage, a booming voice blasts through the crowd around us, making us all jump in unison.


"Hasn't Pops heard of greeting signs?!" Hendy laughs as we turn towards our grandfather's yells, calling us like outside cats needing to come in for the night.

"GRANDPAAAAAAAAA!" my brother shamelessly hollers back, cupping his hands around his mouth to increase the volume. Cedrick and Nicky burst out laughing, but the people around us glare us down, making me even more desperate to get the heck out of here!

"Sh-Shouldn't we just--"

I start to suggest giving Pops a call, but I end up squealing as I'm suddenly lifted off the ground, coming face to face with the beaming features of my grandfather.

"Poppy!" I exclaim, immediately being smothered with his overbearing affection.

"My little mouse!" he booms, swinging me around as if I'm a toddler. Pops had gained a lot of strength from his line of work, but I'm still not that light!

"Poppy, you're gonna hurt yourself!" I whine, clinging onto him, expecting to fly out of his arms and break my neck!

Then you won't have to worry about this trip being a disaster.

"Okay, okay, put down your favorite and share the love!" Hendrick booms right back, making me realize we are that type of people in the airport, the incessantly loud and annoying group that screams their public display of affection.

The stares around us make me want to melt into the floor, but as Pops places me down on my feet, both of them continue to deafeningly greet each other.

I love our parents, but it feels right being back with grandpa, and I'm sure grandma isn't far behind. Most likely waiting for us in the car.

It's your fault we left in the first place.

"So, do you feel different yet, boy?!" Pops asks Hendrick in his deafening voice. Cedrick is the unlucky one to walk the closest to him, our poor firebug flinching and quickly slowing his pace to put as much distance in between Pops and him.

"No, not really," my brother laughs nervously, Pops most likely talking about Hendrick technically being an adult now. He had told our grandparents about Wildwood, but I'm not sure if he told them about not going anymore.

I don't even think he knows if he's going or not. Hendy still has options, but with him hopefully thinking about himself, and not just me now, Hendrick will choose the path that best benefits him.

"Aaaaah, that's okay!" Pops grins from ear to ear as he leads us out to their large SUV that holds another welcoming face in the passenger seat.

"Grams!" both my brother and I exclaim, practically throwing our luggage in the back and scrambling inside.

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