Chapter Ten

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"Dude, don't do that!" Hendrick gasps and holds his chest as if his heart had tried to escape. I hadn't realized I was holding my breath until Cedrick smiles at me apologetically. 

"S-Sorry!" I gasp and cough softly into my arm.

"Why are you apologizing, I'm the one who scared you. I didn't mean to, though," he blinks in his usual robotic way and looks at us both. "I was just walking home when I came across you two and Cammy. Nicky and Kirby have told me all about her, and I was just curious, is all. I believe that girl might need a doctor."

Says the pyromaniac.

"Yeah, I think we all kind of know that already," Hendy replies defensively and crosses his arms across his chest. Cedrick doesn't seem to react to my brother's annoyance and instead looks at me with his ocean-y eyes suddenly full of curiosity.

"I'm sorry if I scared you with my text. I'm not ashamed of who I am and am very open about it, especially with my friends."

Awwwwww, he likes you~!

He's not a puppy!

"Oh, no, it's okay!, got caught up in some family stuff!" I stutter and let out a forced laugh as I nervously scratch the back of my head. Cedrick nods, but then reaches around to dig through his backpack and pulls out a piece of paper.

"I know you said you didn't want it, but I personally wouldn't throw away something like this. Finals are hard and you should keep your good work," he said emotionlessly and hands me the physical science test I dropped. I had kind of forgotten about it and I'm actually really glad he kept it. 

I feel Hendy's breath over my shoulder as he leans in to investigate what I was just given.

"Hey! That is pretty awesome, little man!" he laughs and I had to cringe away from such a loud sound so close to my ear. "Thanks Cedrick, didn't mean to be a dick."

"It's quite alright, I didn't take offense."

"Hey, how about you come on over for dinner? My parents always like meetin' new people. To be honest, it's usually to promote the shop, but any friend of Mikah is a friend of ours! Besides, he doesn't have a lot of them, so we always need to make sure they stay!" he laughs louder and shoots me a teasing wink. I can feel the heat in my cheeks and crush the thick paper packet against my face as my brother continues to convince Cedrick, like he was attempting to sell an expensive product. Maybe he should be a freaking salesman instead of a rancher.

"I'll have to ask my grandparents, but I don't see why not. I would love to meet your parents. You also don't have to worry about me leaving. My parents don't really want anything do to with me and I doubt anyone else would want to be my friend. Not to be morbid, I am just stating the facts."

I can tell Hendrick was caught off guard when his laugh is instantly cut off and I lower the paper to see that Cedrick was dead serious.

"Th-That's kind of awful..." I say and I have the urge to cry a little.

"I agree, but I don't blame my mother. After my father died, she hasn't been able to handle me and I haven't made it any easier for her. I dislike my stepfather, so I don't feel that bad about living here. Besides," he genuinely smiles, "I like you guys."

Crap... Now I feel bad for ever thinking badly of him.

For not judging him, you judged him pretty hard.

"Okay, okay, let's not trade depressing life stories out on the concrete," Hendrick chuckles weakly and swats at us both to turn around. After today's events, I'm starving and Hakim still hasn't let me live down the events with Hendrick, let alone with Cedrick who was now coming home with us.

Mikah & Hakim (✅)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz