Chapter Three

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From all the movies ever made, I find it a bit preposterous that parents still let their kids go to parties at our age. Granted, Mom and Dad are a bit innocent and naïve when it comes to anything social related since they grew up in a town with only about a handful of kids, but you'd think it would be common sense, right?

Wrong, my friend.

Last year, Kiki Thompson threw a huge summer bash. Of course I wasn't invited, but guess who was?


The big, hot, athletic star, Hendrick Zamora.

Guess who had to go along because his parents insisted that I "not waste my youth"?


I didn't and still don't blame my parents for what happened at Kiki's party, though.

Kiki Thompson was the most gorgeous girl in school, not that I thought so, and the captain of the cheerleading team.

Cliché, huh?

Well, Kiki invited Hendrick for the sole purpose of getting into his pants. One thing I can say about Hendy is he's faithful...and probably a virgin.

Cindy Copper has been Hendrick's friend since kindergarten and I am quite fond of her, myself. She's always been nice, smart, and funny for as long as I can remember, and it's pretty obvious that she has the hots for Hendy. I've never understood the attraction towards other people, especially someone like Hendrick, but I can still call it when I see it.

Anyway, Cindy and Hendy have never made it official, and I might have just mistaken friendship for romance, but Hendrick has never looked at any other girl like he looks at Cindy. Can you guess what happened when Ms. Cheerleader tried to whoo Mr. Jock?

You're good at this.

Once she was rejected, Kiki sought revenge. I'm still not sure why she thought trying to seduce his younger brother would work, but it not only failed, it scarred me for life. As funny as you might think that is, it not only made me the laughing stock of the school, but it also gave birth to Hakim. She didn't rape me, god no, but I did burst into tears once her clothes came off and that...b-word...took a freaking video and spread it across Facebook! Now that I think back on it, I feel like an idiot for reacting as badly as I did, but my family never fails to correct me.

Nah, you're just a fucking pussy.


Once school started and I saw just how much damage had been done, I stopped going to school, stopped eating, hell, I didn't even leave my room. Thankfully, I had a connecting bathroom. I kind of left my family with no other choice except to leave. Mom and Dad offered for Hendrick to stay with Grandma and Grandpa to graduate with his friends, but he said no. My brain is telling me that Hendrick just wanted to know that I was okay, but my heart--


tells me that he chose to stay because of my parents. How could Hendrick deal with having Mom and Dad and then suddenly not? Our dinner tradition means a lot to us, and just thinking about it--

A cold chill shoots up my spine and my muscles instinctively shiver without permission.

"You okay?" Hendrick asks and flicks his concerned gaze over to me. "Did Cammy really shake you up that badly? Dude, I'm really sorry. This café thing was a stupid idea. L-Let's just--"

"No," I say before I can even think.

You know he just wanted to go himself, but nooooo, Mom says he has to follow you everywhere. You're such an inconvenience.

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