Chapter Fourteen

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Between Dad's distant voice and my own consciousness fading in and out, I can't even begin to really tell what happens.

Both Hendrick's and Dad's voices blend together and I remember seeing darkness mixed with the faint outline of trees as the cold wraps around me like a blanket, chilling me to the bone.



"Hendrick, can you carry him...?"

All I can do is groan as I feel my body lift from the ground and I instinctively curl my limbs around whoever holds me, our chests together and my face pressed into their neck.

I can't tell if it's Dad, Hendrick, or even someone else as I fight to stay awake, afraid of never waking up again.

Maybe a mountain man is kidnapping you.

Despite the little voice in my head, I cling harder to him, only knowing it's male by the absence of breasts and the thickness of its torso.

Did you assume someone's gender? Maybe she is a very fit, flat-chested woman!

Not amused by my own mind's poorly timed dramatics, I manage to flutter my eyes open just enough to see Hendy frantically following behind us with concern painted across his face.

"Dad! Dad, he's awake!"

"It doesn't matter, we need to get both of you home," Dad's voice vibrates in my ear as his arms tighten around me, one across my back and the other under my butt.

It might be humilating for some, but I've always loved Dad holding me like this. It makes me feel as if I was just a toddler again with the heat of his skin soaking into mine that was ravaged by the chill of our unusual cold front.

"But what about Cedrick and the others?" Hendrick exclaims as I groan again, trying not to empty my stomach down Dad's back. He gently pats the back of mine as he addresses my brother, still leading us towards home.

"Cedrick is the one that found his way back first. Nicky came next, followed by Kirby and his...interesting pet..."

My chest clenches with the image of the moose murdering them all, but if Kirby had a dang moose on a leash just waiting for us to get back, I can't decide if I wanna be angry, sad, or burst into laughter.

Kirby usually got what Kirby wanted...

I swear it feels as if Dad has a flame inside him, pretty much keeping me from turning into an ice cube right about now.

After what feels like an eternity, the rustling of plants and brush turn into the slap of sneakers on pavement as we emerge from the trees and venture across the street to home, where a wave of heat washes over me.

"Mikah!" Mom gasps, and I force my eyes slightly open when Dad carefully places me down on the couch, poking at my crusty forehead.

"Ouch!" I cry out, trying to swat his hand away, but I can barely keep my eyes open, let alone raise my hands.

"Is he okay, Mr. Zamora?" Cedrick asks with more emotion in his voice than I had heard from him so far.

My vision is still blurry and now has to adjust to the sudden brightness of our lights, but when I blink them clear, I see them all crowding around me like some kind of science project.

"Give him room, guys!" Dad commands, a bit annoyed while waving his arm out to force them back.

Cedrick and Nicky stand together, appearing unharmed, but I notice his arm around her shoulders.

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