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there the eight were, telling stories about something crazy that happened in their lives while munching on salads and burritos.

donghyuck only sat there and smiled. he had nothing interesting to tell about himself.

this was like a scene from one of those movies where there's a group of rich people chatting and then there's that one poor one who's just sad.

"how about you donghyuck?" taeyong asked. the brunette froze. "y-yes?" he stuttered. "do you wanna share a story that you will never forget in your life?" jaehyun added.

he looked down, his vision getting blurry.

my parents kicking me out because of my sexuality.

"excuse me." donghyuck stood up and ran to the restroom, leaving the group of people dumbfounded.

"great question taeyong." mark rolled his eyes. "i didn't know it would personally affect him!" the silver haired male exclaimed.

"i'll go talk to him." jungwoo stood up. "no need. i will." mark nodded and walked to the bathroom.

he gently closed the door and heard soft sniffling. "hyuck?" mark called out.

no reply. just sniffling and crying sounds.

"hyuck. come out please," the black haired male knocked on a stall where all the crying sounds came from. the door clicked and donghyuck stood there with puffy eyes.

mark embraced the younger with a heart felt hug, the younger glady returning it.

"don't cry now boo." mark didn't care if he accidentally called hyuck that, he just wanted to comfort him.

they stood there, just hugging each other infront of the sinks. he older looked at the massive mirror in front of them and the sink.

he realized how small hyuck was compared to him.

"my parents abandoned me when i was 14." donghyuck spoke, his face was buried in mark's chest but the older could clearly hear him.

"when i was 7, my dad left me and my mom alone so it was just the two of us. eventually my mom founf herself a boyfriend, but he was just an ass."

"my mom and step-father started abusing me for no reason and kept on trying to kill me. she called me different things like 'slut', 'useless', 'no good' and so on. i didn't have any friends to comfort me. i was always an outcast."

"at the age of 12, i found out i was gay. i was too scared to come out to my parents so i just kept it a secret. when i was 14, during dinner, i accidentally came out to my parents and then they beat me up." the younger started crying again.

"it's alright...shh..." mark's voice was deep but soothing. it was like he spoke in a whisper.

donghyuck managed to stop himself from crying and continued on.

"they told me that i was just ruining my life and then they continued on calling me harsh things. then...my mom snapped and i saw her just packing all my stuff in a bag. she told me to get out-" mark suddenly shushed him.

"hold on boo." mark walked over the stall in the middle and forcefully opened the door to see nothing. "what is it?" donghyuck peeked from behind mark.

"n-nothing. i was just paranoid." the older shook is head. "continue on." the brunette nodded.

"my mom kicked me out and i was left on the streets. luckily i still had her wallet so i used the money to buy myself a shitty apartment. the rest i used for food. i dropped out of high school and no one would accept me whenever i would ask for a job. not even fuckin seven-eleven." donghyuck scoffed.

𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐞 ; markhyuck  حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن