“I don’t know either, Zayn, I just don’t know.” He sat down on the chair next to me, defeated. He was lost in a sudden thought and had a certain stare on his face, as if he went into a trance. He didn’t speak until he snapped his had towards me, “They said we couldn’t hide from them. They must have a tracker. Something on them must be a tracker.”

            “Did you see those tablets they were carrying?” I said softly, watching Niall nod. “You think those tablets are able to track us – but that doesn’t make sense.” I shot my own idea down, “How could they track us?”

            “You, they can’t, but me, oh definitely.” Niall hit his fist against the table and continued talking, “It’s because of the fucking trackers Doctor Tomlinson put in all of us, I’m sure of it. Those tablets are probably synced with these trackers, and for some reason Harry and Ed have them.

            “The first week I started working for Louis, I know he shipped some tablets too a French agency.” I stated, “And wasn’t France his ally for this war?” Niall was now looking at me, as we both pieced the puzzle together, “So Harry and Ed must be a part of whatever agency that is. They must be.” I was tapping my fingers against the table and Niall was looking down, shaking his head.

            “Ten bucks that they’re getting the remaining Hybrids to join them. That’s why they have the tablets.” Niall stood suddenly cracking his fingers as he walked back to our room, “We have to go find them or something. We have to stop them. They can’t fight America. There’s no way I’m letting that happen!” He was shouting with the door partially closed. His words reminded me that Harry and Ed had a third body on their team now too – Liam. I waited for Niall to come back, fully dressed, and was shaking my leg nervously. He knew this habit of mine and walked up to me, “What’s the matter?”

            “Well, apart from all this shit going on, I have to tell you, I saw someone else with Harry and Ed this morning and you’re not going to like it, not one bit.” I spoke very slowly, trying to not look into Niall’s eyes. I didn’t want to see what colour was left in his skin completely fade away – and I sure as hell didn’t want to see the anger and hatred in his eyes.

            “What?” He spoke, “Who was with them? Another Hybrid?”

            “Yeah, but just not some random one. It was Liam.” Despite what I wanted, my eyes drifted up to Niall, looking at the expression on his pale face. First he was cold and had an empty look, but then a small smile started to unfold and he was soon laughing. He was laughing so hard that he was clenching onto his stomach.

            “Babe, that’s impossible. I personally snapped his neck. The boy’s dead!” he spoke in between his fits of laughter. He didn’t believe me at all, and it frustrated me. While he was here laughing, Harry, Ed, and Liam were off furthering their plan to invade America. “Wipe that look off your face, you were probably scared or something, and your mind was playing tricks with you.”

            “I don’t see what’s funny here.” I said, a bit coldly, “Well then fine,” I stood, “Don’t believe, but you’ll be sorry when you’re unprepared for when Liam comes gets you and hurts you. He’ll try to kill you. So will Harry. And so will Ed. They’ll all trying to kill you, Niall. They’re trying to kill us. They’ll kill us before they go across the sea.” After my mini rant, I walked into my room, closing the door abruptly.

            I hated being belittled, especially by Niall. Whenever I overreacted, or even when I was perfectly fine but he didn’t like what I was saying, or doing, he’d put it on my fear. He’d say I’m scared just so he didn’t have to hear the truth. And sure, some of the times it was because I was afraid, and I started to get small anxiety, but that’s hardly ever anymore. My algophobia bothers me much less now than it ever has, which makes me happy. But when people like Niall continue to blame everything on it, it makes it hard to get over it. It just pisses me off that Niall won’t listen to me this time, when it’s life threatening

            I was lying on the bed when Niall knocked on the door, pushing it open gently, “So seriously, Liam’s alive? Like, alive-alive?” He sat at the foot of the bed, looking at me. He had his I’m-so-sorry look on, and he knew I could never ignore it. I tried my best but I still looked, nodding, “So we’ll just have to kill him again, and while we’re at it, we’ll kill Harry, then we’ll kill Ed, then we’ll fuck up the agency.”

            “So we’re going to fight back?” I asked, pulling myself up and crossing my legs.

            “We’re going to rebel against them.”

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I hope you aren't too mad that this update came so late. And guys, this story is going to have a running total of 25 chapters. There's nothing else I can do to prolong it further. It must come to and end. I love you all ^_^. Tell me your thoughts on this update, okay? :)



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