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== Two ==

[…’s POV]

I watched as Niall left the laboratory with that Zayn character. I felt my blood boil as Niall smiled and walked through the front doors. Why was Niall the only one of us who was allowed to leave? What made him so fucking special? I grunted from my position on the ceiling rafters – my feet hooked over them as I hung upside. I flexed my abdomen and lifted myself up, grabbing onto the rafters and moving my legs so they now dangled underneath me. I let go and fell silently to the floor, not making a sound. As I landed my friend came around the corner, mimicking my anger.

“What the fuck!” He shouted as he punched the wall next to him, creating a hole. I watched as the debris of the now ruined wall crumbled to the ground in a small cloud of dust, “Why can’t we get out of this fucking place?” He shouted, his anger now surpassing my own.

“Calm down ape boy,” I scolded, “I get it, you’re mad, but control yourself.” I walked past my friend, who in response groaned and followed me down the hallway back to the room we were supposed to never leave. I silently jumped up into the air vent I had previously came out of and folded myself into an awkward position so I could reattach the grate to the wall. After doing so, I slid through the vents until I got deep enough that I was free to fall down into the room on the other end of the door. I approached the door and unlocked it from my end, pressing the code I saw Dr. Tomlinson use.

“The snake in you still creeps me out.” My friend teased as the door opened. I rolled my eyes and forced him inside, locking the door behind him.


[Zayn’s POV]

The next morning I woke up to the sound of breaking glass. My first instinct was that someone was breaking in, but as I rushed out of my room and into the main area of my house that instinct was brushed aside as I saw Niall standing in my kitchen, his feet surrounded by a broken plate. His hands were covering his mouth and his eyes were enlarged, “I-I-I was trying to open this piece of shit thing but I couldn’t and then the plate slipped. I’m sorry, Zayn.” Niall pouted and pointed to the dishwasher. I sighed then chuckled, rushing to grab my broom and dustpan. I swept the plate shards and discarded them into the trash,

“Okay, so maybe we should jump right into the human lessons, yeah?” I chuckled again as Niall began moving about. I watched as he looked around and examined my house, “Anything you want to start with?” I asked as I followed behind him, still only in the pair of sweat pants I wore to bed the night before.

“What’s this?” Niall pointed to the television.

“That’s the television.”

“Television? What’s it do?” Niall asked as he knelt down and poked the black screen with his finger. I was about to explain but as Niall poked the screen he got an electrical shock, “OW!” he shouted, “What the fuck?” The sudden change of emotion in Niall surprised me. The lad had a real temper and it scared me but I had to get over the fear of it and help him.

I walked over to him as he was rubbing his hands, his brows bending down into one as his face starred angrily at my television. I reached and tried patting his shoulder, but Niall swiped at my hand, slapping it away, “Don’t fucking touch me.” He spat and walked off to my bedroom. I stood still for a few seconds and swallowed, telling myself to calm down. Niall was seriously a wild card and I never knew when it was okay to talk to him and when it wasn’t. I had to figure out sooner or later because whenever he snaps at me or hits my hands away I get afraid. I was afraid right now. Niall could easily hurt me, couldn’t he?

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