"Heh-hey-hey, the great reunion!" Jax exclaims. "Minnie, you're on white, Greg, you're on tight-50, you miss a freaking word and you swim home!"

"Uh.. What's this now?" I ask.

"It's the documentary crew, here to film my meteoric rise to superstardom! Movies within movies! We're getting meta!"

"Right.." I forgot we were in a movie studio area..

Another random purple portal opens in the midst of the group, and Donut emerges from it.

"Aw! You guys are doing a beach episode without me?" He complains.

Grif sighs. "What do you want, Donut? If you're here to try and stop us-"

"Not at all! I'm here to help. Everyone, there's something I need to get off my chest!"

"Save it!" Grif tells him rudely.

"No, guys! I'm super duper sorry!" Donut apologizes out of the blue making me blink in surprise. What did he do..?

"This whole sticky mess- it's on me! All over me! I've screwed each and every one of you deep, with no protection! And now, I've come to help pull out, before we're all truly boned! From now on, nothing comes before my friends. They come first, and they come second. They come third, they come fourth-"

"We get it!"

Donut calms down a bit. "So, Grif. What's that plan of yours?"

"Me and Tucker and Sister have been talking to some folks," He explains. "And these folks have been saying that all of our time traveling is bad, and they want to meet about it and convince us to stop."

"Who are these... people you're talking to?" Carolina asks.

"Not people..."

"Aliens?" Wash suggests.

"Let's call them aliens."

"They're gods!" Tucker blurts out.

"What?" I say in disbelief.

"We leave you alone for five minutes and you piss off God?" Wash says.

"Gods." Kaikaina corrects. "There's a crap-ton of 'em."

"It doesn't matter what they are, okay?" Grif says impatiently. "Or how many. They want to tell us what's actually going on, and I think we should hear 'em out."

His sister huffed. "Great. Everyone knows what's going on now. Can we go?"

"Absolutely not." Sarge replies. "Tell the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost to shove it! Red Team will not forfeit tactical superiority over the past!"

"No one's asking you to give up your time machine, Sarge, okay?" Grif says, clearly annoyed. "Of course you can keep it. They just want to chat."

Time to get everyone's focus back in line. "These... beings you're talking about." I start. "You really trust them?"

"I trust one of them." Grif replies. "Huggins saved my life! And she vouches for the rest."

Agent Alaska: The Coming War (Red vs Blue)Where stories live. Discover now