Chapter 15

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You cried for about ten minutes before you heard some of the townspeople cheering, and you decided to calm down to go see what they were up to. You parted ways with the cat and made your way back into town.

You noticed a group surrounding a well, looking inside with excited faces. Some included the mayor, the wolf-man, and the zombie kid.

You walked over curiously to see what they were looking at.

"Just in time, kiddie! Take a look!" A witch pulled you up to a small step-stool so that you could see. You saw Jack flying on the sleigh, laughing gleefully as he overlooked numerous houses.

"He's still okay..." You thought, slightly relieved, but you tried not to relax too soon.

Every house Jack went to he left children and adults screaming in terror, and he didn't even seem to notice. He must've been so used to it that he thought it was a good thing.

After some time passed, there was a news report that could be heard.

"Reports are pouring in from all over the globe, that an imposter is shamelessly impersonating Santa Claus, mocking and mangling this joyous holiday."

The monsters cheered and laughed, not understanding that this was wrong.

You put a hand to your ear to hear what she said next, and it left you shaken up.

"--at this moment, military units are mobilizing to stop the perpetrator of this heinous crime."

This was it, what you'd been fearing most was about to take place.

"Someone has to help Jack!" You gasped, but nobody listened.

"Where did those kids take Santa?" You growled, running off to try and find him.

When you finally found the trio's hideout, you walked towards the bridge and looked down into a gap, hearing a deep and threatening voice laughing evilly.

You were a little scared if you were being honest, but you knew if you didn't do something both Santa and Jack would be in a lot of trouble.

You descended into the gap with a rope you found and slid down until you noticed a pipe, then a small room down at the bottom. You decided to crawl through the pipe first to see where Santa was, and what you saw made chills go down your spine. A large, walking sack of... something, had Santa tied up by his hands. You could only assume this was the 'Oogie Boogie' Jack didn't want you to know about.

You came to the conclusion that you needed something to distract Oogie Boogie so that you could help Santa escape, so you decided to head to the room you saw down below. You crawled out of the pipe and grabbed onto the rope, then carefully slid down.

You dropped to the floor and looked around, noticing that it looked like some sort of trashed bedroom. There were bugs that seemed to be living on a small, rotting mattress and a battered closet with a single dress that looked similar to Oogie's cloth-like covering. After another minute of hastily searching for something that could help you, you noticed what looked like stitched up body parts in a basket in the corner. You walked up to the basket nervously, then watched as a pair of hands climbed out, almost making you yelp. But to your surprise, they just stood there, until you waved a little. One grabbed the other and used it to wave back.

"They're alive... but friendly?" You thought.

That's when a crazy idea sparked in your head.

You made your way back into the pipe, hoping for the best.

"Are you a gamblin' man, Sandy? Let's play!" The sack shook a pair of dice in its... 'hand', threateningly. Even though Oogie had no eyes, you could tell he was looking at Santa hungrily.

Jack Skellington X Child!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now