Chapter 6

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What Jack had asked you to help him with was very unexpected, he wanted you to assist him in collecting as many things from Christmas Town as you could and bring them to him. For some reason, he wanted to share his newfound discovery with everyone in Halloween Town.

You weren't really that strong so you stuck with collecting the small things, such as those socks people hang by the fireplaces, toys, mistletoes, and you even managed to find a snow globe and snatch it without being caught. Technically you were stealing all this stuff, but hey, they can just make more things, right?

You were carrying everything you had collected in your arms to where Jack told you to go, and once you got there you were pretty shocked to see he had somehow gotten a snowmobile.

"Ah! Thank you very much, (Y/n)!" Jack said cheerfully, walking over to you. "You're welcome." You smiled. He took everything you had into his arms, but you took back the snow globe. "Some snow globes can be fragile, can't be too careful." You explained, and Jack hummed in response, seeming a bit curious about how you knew that.

Jack stuffed all the goodies into a sack that was attached to the rear of the snowmobile, then tied the sack shut and sat on the snowmobile's red stool. "Hop aboard! Let's get going!" He motioned for you to come to him, then put on a pair of goggles that you hadn't noticed were in his possession before. You giggled a little and climbed on, sitting inside the snowmobile in-between his legs, and soon you were on your way.


Soon, you were reunited with Zero and made it back to Halloween town. You ducked down inside the snowmobile as Jack drove into the town itself, a little scared of being seen by all of those other monsters. Zero had gotten everyone's attention so that didn't exactly help.

Upon being seen the monsters began cheering for Jack, probably happy to see him again since he was gone for a while. Jack eventually stopped the snowmobile and took off his goggles. "Where have you been?" You heard the voice of the mayor ask Jack. "Call a town meeting and I'll tell everyone all about it!" Jack answered excitedly. "When??" The mayor seemed shocked.

"Immediately!" Jack ordered.

*Another Timeskip*

Jack brought everything from the snowmobile into the Town Hall, and you nervously crawled out from the thing as well, still holding the snow globe as you went inside the building with him. "Alright, I think that's everything." Jack said to himself, examining all of the Christmas things you and he had collected. He had them all spread out into a Christmas-like scene. He turned to you after a moment and smiled. "Now, (Y/n), since you're going to be in town from now on, what better time than now to introduce you to everyone?" 

You wished you could gulp, but your throat had no saliva to swallow. You nodded instead. "O-Okay." Jack was about to walk out from the curtain you were both behind, but he stopped for some reason and turned back to you again, a concerned look painting his skull's face. "Is something wrong? You look scared and you're awfully shaky..." He pointed out, placing a bony hand on your shoulder. He was right, you were shaking like mad all over.

"I-I'm really n-nervous..." You stammered, looking down. "Why?" Jack seemed shocked. "What if they don't like me?" You asked, looking up at Jack with a worried expression of your own.

Jack smiled kindly and knelt down to you, placing his hand on your head. "You have nothing to fear, trust me! Everything will be just fine!" Jack encouraged, somewhat soothing your nerves.

After that, Jack exited the curtain, leaving you to stand there, unsure of what was going to happen next. You could hear all of the Halloween Town citizens talking amongst themselves, their chatter was incoherent from behind the curtain, but they went quiet when they heard Jack begin to speak. You set the snow-globe aside, deciding it would be best to keep it hidden.

Jack Skellington X Child!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now