Chapter 4

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"How long have you been here, (Y/n)?" Jack asked you. "Well... I just got here a little while ago." You replied. "So not even a day yet?" You shook your head. "I see..." He crossed his arms and put a hand to his chin, he seemed curious for some reason.

"Um, Mr. Skellington?" You wanted to ask something. "Oh, please, just call me Jack." He interrupted, smiling softly. "Okay, Jack." You smiled back.

"As you were saying?" He motioned for you to continue. "Where are we exactly?" You looked around at all the dark trees. "We are in the forest outside of town, it's usually dark and quiet here. I come here when I wish to be alone, well, besides having my good pal Zero here." Jack chuckled, motioning to the ghost dog, said dog flying around Jack playfully.

"And, of course, Zero and I gladly welcome your company." He added, ruffling your disheveled, shaggy black hair with his hand. You laughed and shooed his hand away, making him chuckle again in amusement. You actually were feeling a lot better now when you thought about it, you were pretty fearful of this place at first, but now that you have Jack and Zero as your friends, you feel much more comfortable.

You both continued to converse for a while, until you started to get drowsy. You unintentionally yawned, plus a bit too loudly for your liking, getting Jack's attention and stopping your continuous walking. "Are you tired?" He tilted his head. You nodded a little, rubbing your one eye and yawning once more.

"Here, I'll carry you along then." He easily picked your small form up into his arms, cradling you gently. "Y-You don't ha-have to do that..." You mumbled, trying to resist letting your eyes close. "Oh, but I insist! After all, it's the least I can do for my new friend!" Jack whispered kindly. Eventually, your eyes locked shut, refusing to open. You let your head droop, leaning onto Jack's bone-chest as you finally succumbed to sleep.

*3rd Person P.O.V.*

Jack paused as he felt something on his chest, and he looked down at the little girl who was now sleeping peacefully in his arms. Jack felt a big smile form on his skull as he thought: "Such a wonderful little girl... What are the odds that I'd find someone like her out here?" He gently caressed her cold grey skin with his bone fingers as questions began flowing.

'Where did she come from?' 'How did she get here?' 'Why was she all alone?' To name a few.

He shook his head after a minute, thinking that surely the girl would tell him what he wanted to know if she wanted to. He was about to start walking again, but he paused as he felt a small arm grip his coat. He looked down yet again to the girl, seeing her smiling faintly and nuzzling into him, despite the fact that he gave off no warmth at all.

Jack once again felt that smile return, and he started to softly sing as he continued to walk.

It's so very strange, how can this be?

I feel something strange inside of me

I've merely just met this little being

and yet I feel she's a piece I am missing!

Jack held the girl a bit tighter, a look of worry replacing his smile.

Why do I fear from my bony fingers to let her slip?

Why do I ever so slightly tighten my grip?

He gracefully danced around with the girl in his arms, still looking down at her with a now baffled expression.

Something here I'm just not seeing

Though I try it's just not clearing

Like a fog that roams in the air

Hiding what's seen and hardly leaving

What does it mean? What does it mean?

Jack was going to continue, but he decided not to when he suddenly gave a yawn of his own.

"What does it mean..?" He thought.

He hadn't realized it, but after a while the Jack-O-Lantern sun had risen and illuminated the forest with it's orange-ish yellow glow. 

"Where are we?... It's someplace new!" He thought aloud. A sleepy, but concerned Zero still followed behind, and he barked a bit when Jack stumbled upon the center of the trees that were in a circled formation. "What is this?"

Each tree had a different picture with a doorknob on it. (Not that he knows what any of these things are.) There was a heart, a shamrock, an Easter Egg, and a turkey to name some. But what really grabbed his attention, was the beautifully decorated tree picture/door.

He decided to wake up (Y/n) so she could see for herself.

(Sorry if the song wasn't that good, I wanted to make a little mini song that had to do with you in the story. ^^' I based it off off 'Jack's obsession' in the movie, the part where Jack sings about how he can't figure out the secret of Christmas. That's the music setting I used anyways.)

Jack Skellington X Child!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now