Chapter 11

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Jack led you to the laboratory and told you to go right on in, he had some other business to attend to so he told you to wait for him outside when you had everything you needed.

You stepped inside and looked around in curiosity. The building had a large spiral pathway all the way around the wall leading up to the top. You decided to walk up and see if you could find Dr. Finkelstein.

"You, will be a decided improvement over that treacherous Sally." You heard Dr. Finkelstein say angrily.

"'Treacherous'? What did she do?" You mentally wondered.

"Master! The plans!" You heard another voice say in a slurred tone.

"Excellent, Igor." The doctor said.

As you reached the top, you saw Dr. Finkelstein toss a dog biscuit to a deformed 'man' with a large hunch in his back and a disturbingly bugged out eye. The other one was shut and didn't seem to open. The hunchbacked 'man' caught the biscuit with his mouth and ate it eagerly, then he jumped a bit as he saw you since he was looking in your direction. The doctor looked to see what he saw and looked surprised himself.

"Ah, (Y/n)! What brings you here young lady?" He asked, wheeling over to you.

You shuffled your feet shyly for a moment, then spoke.

"Um, well, Jack needs help with making an outfit, and I need a sewing machine so that I can make it for him. He told me that you have one of those and that you might let me borrow it." You explained.

Dr. Finkelstein seemed shocked and froze for a moment, but then he shook his head and said with that angry tone: "It's all yours, keep it, I'd like nothing more than to have it out of my laboratory for good. It's in that room over there, Igor will get the door for you." Then he wheeled back to his work table.

You tilted your head, feeling a bit confused, but decided to just leave him be.

The hunchbacked 'man' apparently named Igor did as Dr. Finkelstein said and pulled open the large metal door that was a few feet away. He stood by the door and waited for you to go inside.

You thanked him and walked in, taking a moment to scan the room.

There wasn't much besides having a table with lots of bottles and a bed, but what did stand out, was the sewing machine. It was unnatural as far as sewing machines went, the shape, the spinning wheel, and the spider on top made it quite the peculiar looking tool.

(Here's a picture so you can see what it looks like. v)

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With Igor's help you were able to bring the sewing machine all the way down the steps and out the door, you called up to Dr. Finkelstein and thanked him, then went outside.

Igor shut the door to the laboratory behind you once you were all set.

"Ah! Sorry if I kept you waiting!" You saw Jack making his way over to you, an excited but apologetic smile on his skull.

You shook your head, stifling a giggle.

Once he reached you he placed a bony hand on your head, you couldn't help but smile widely at the kind contact.

"(Y/n), I can't thank you enough for wanting to help like this, it means so much to me!" He said as he got down on one knee so he was level with you, still keeping his hand where it was.

You nodded happily.

"I'm happy to help you, Jack."

He just smiled wider, looking touched by your reply.

"I'm going to make a spot where you can work out here, then tomorrow you can do so while being outside with the others to get better accustomed to the town. How does that sound?" He suggested, hope in his voice.

You thought it over for a moment then nodded once more.

"That sounds great!"

He chuckled and suddenly pulled you into a hug, his long arms gently wrapping around your small form.

"Thank you, (Y/n), so very much."

You giggled and put your arms around him on his shoulders as best as you could. But your smile didn't last much longer.

As much as you wanted to be fully looking forward to this, you still couldn't get over the dream of the burning Christmas tree/stick. There was still the possibility that Halloween town's Christmas wasn't going to end well... You could only hope that Jack was going to be okay.

(So sorry for the delay, got caught up with school work and other issues. o.x')

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