Chapter 3

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You watched as he hung his head low while walking past the three musicians, he tossed a coin into the smallest one's horn. "Nice work, bone daddy." He said to Jack. "Eh, I guess so. Just like last year, and the year before that, and the year before that..." Jack spoke glumly, holding one arm behind him as he walked past the gate.

You quickly followed suit.

 You followed him into the graveyard as carefully as possible, trying not to be spotted. He seemed to be deep in thought so not being noticed was a bit simpler than you expected. Once you got past him when he opened the gate, you ran over to a nearby gravestone and hid behind it, watching him curiously. He walked over to the dog grave, then patted his long leg twice, and out of nowhere a dog-like ghost with a shining red nose appeared. You tried not to gasp in shock.

"It's really cute..." You thought, smiling a little.

The skeleton man put a fist to his chin, resting his elbow on a statue and the other arm on his back, then out of nowhere, he began to sing. His voice was soft and quiet at first, it was somehow very soothing.

There are few who deny at what I do I am the best

For my talents are renowned far and wide

When it comes to surprises in the moonlit night

I excel without ever even trying

He suddenly jumped over to a few graves and stepped on each of them, doing spooky movements with his arms as he went along, it was fun to watch.

With the slightest little effort of my ghost-like charms

I have seen grown men give out a shriek

With a wave of my hand and a well-placed moan I have swept the very bravest off their feet

He wasn't looking sad at first, but soon enough he gave a sad look and walked over to a nearby grave statue, hanging on it with his arm.

Yet year after year

it's the same routine

and I grow so weary of the sound of screams 

And I, Jack the Pumpkin King, have grown so tired of the same old thing

You and the dog seemed to both feel sad for Jack, he was in a very deep state of despair. You watched as he walked up the tall hill, continuing to sing.

Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones

An emptiness began to grow

There's something out there far from my home

A longing that I've never known...

The ghost dog named Zero looked up at Jack, still having a look of sympathy and worry. Then as Jack continued the song Jack-O-Lanterns lit up and ghosts shot out from them, making you jump briefly.

I'm the master of fright and a demon of light

And I'll scare you right out of your pants

You snuck over to some other graves one at a time to try and get a closer look at Jack.

To a guy in Kentucky I'm Mr. Unlucky and I'm known throughout England and France

You cringed slightly as Jack pulled off his head to prove what he sang next in his song.

And since I am dead I can take off my head to recite Shakespearean quotations

He put his head back on and continued singing, his voice really showed emphasis and had quite the dramatic flare, he was truly a complex and fascinating man, or skeleton? Something along those words.

No animal nor man can scream like I can

With the fury of my recitations

His voice once again switched to that depressed tone.

But who here would ever understand

That the Pumpkin King with the skeleton grin

Would tire of his crown if they only understood

He'd give it all up if he only could...

You peaked out to look at him and you felt like you were going to cry, the song truly was heartbreaking and you could really feel how truly helpless and dejected he was. He suddenly almost looked your way, making you hide again. He walked down the hill and the spiral that was in it began to unravel, each step Jack made was caught by the hill's unraveling part.

Oh, there's an empty place in my bones

that calls out for something unknown

The fame and praise come year after year

Does nothing for these empty tears...

Jack hugged himself as he walked into the woods that you had just gotten out of. When you got to thinking, you realized that you had no one to help you do anything, and you were most likely trapped in this new and mysterious place. Jack seemed to be the closest thing to normal around here surprisingly enough, so you didn't want to lose him.

You ran to the forest to follow after him.

After a while you had caught up with him, and he had just thrown a small bone for Zero to get. It went to a small hole in a tree, and Zero seemed to be having trouble looking for where it went. You decided to go and get it for him. You walked over to the hole and pulled out the bone, then the dog looked at you and smiled happily, but it didn't seem to be completely because of the bone.

He flew over and went around you a few times, barking in a happy way. You giggled a tiny bit. "Aww, you're a good boy!" The dog barked and flew in more circles a bit. You gave him the bone with a smile.

"Hm? Who's there?" You heard Jack's voice ask. You looked and saw him walking back, when he looked at you he was surprised.

"Oh! Why hello there little girl!" He smiled and walked over to you. "H-Hello..." You replied timidly. You were always shy around people you didn't know.

"I don't think I've seen you in town before, are you new here?" Jack asked, kneeling down to you. You nodded a few times. "Y-Yes, I don't really know where I am or how I got here..." You managed to reply, you looked down feeling a bit scared.

Jack seemed to feel sympathy for you, he put one of his bone hands on your head and said: "Aww, don't worry, I can help you!" "Really?" You tilted your head. "But of course! Come, walk with me would you?" He stood and motioned for you to follow. You smiled and nodded, following after him.

"Oh, and allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jack, Jack Skellington. What's yours my dear?" He asked, looking down at you as you walked together. "M-My name is (Y/n)." You told him. "(Y/n)... what a lovely name!" Jack grinned. You giggled, and smiled up at the tall skeleton. "Thank you..."

Maybe this place wouldn't be as bad as you were afraid it would be.

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