Chapter 10

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Night fell and at last the line was nearly at its end, but it was so late even the mayor had fallen asleep. You were pretty tired as well but you wanted to stay awake for Jack.

"It goes something like this." Jack said, holding up a leather strap with small silver bells on it. He poked them in a pattern that played the song 'Jingle Bells'. "How about it? Think you can manage?" He asked the musicians you saw before.

There was another person in one of the creature-like men's base, you hadn't noticed him before so you were surprised. "A-one and a-two and a-three and..."

The three started playing Jingle Bells themselves, but it was very off key. You couldn't help but cringe a little, but you tried not to make it too obvious so that you wouldn't hurt their feelings, after all, it's only their first time playing the song, and they don't really seem like the type for that kind of music.

When they played the final key they played it so loud the mayor shot up from his slumber. He then held up his megaphone and said: "Next!" as if he had never fallen asleep at all. "Fantastic!" Jack laughed, placing the strap around the accordion player's head.

"Now, why don't you all practice on that, and we'll be in great shape!" He told them as they walked off. The final 'person' in line was a 'man' with an axe stuck in his head, from what you knew he didn't really talk much. Jack pulled out a nutcracker from his chest of Christmas things and presented it to him. "This device is called a nutcracker." He showed him how it worked as he said this, then gave it to him.

"Jack! Jack! We caught him! We got him!" The trio of children from before appeared, they had a somehow walking bathtub with a large black sack inside of it. "Perfect!" Jack cheered and walked over to them. "Open it up! Quickly! He urged.

Barrel undid the knot of the sack but ended up falling to the floor afterwards, and then a large, pink rabbit appeared from within. It was holding a basket with colorful eggs and it wore a sash that read: "Happy Easter". "Isn't that the Easter Bunny?" You raised a brow.

"That's not Sandy Claws." Jack said in a disappointed tone. "It isn't?" Shock asked in surprise. "Who is it?" Barrel added. The Easter Bunny hopped over to the stage, stopping at your feet and sniffing you curiously. You giggled a little since its nose tickled you.

"Bunny!" The 'man' said, pointing to it. The bunny's eyes went wide as it made a sound of shock, then it hopped back into the sack whimpering in fear. "Not Sandy Claws." Jack started to look angry. "Take him back!" He pointed to the door.

"We followed your instructions." Lock defended. "We went through the door!" Barrel joined in. "Which door? There's more than one." Jack leaned a bit closer to them, his tone and face turning frustrated. "Sandy Claws is behind the door shaped like this." He presented them a Christmas tree shaped cookie.

"I told you!" Shock started to somewhat strangle Lock, making his mask fall off and he choked a little. Barrel winded up for a punch when Shock brought Lock closer to him, but he ended up hitting Shock's mask off, making her lose her grip. Lock then tackled Shock and the three began to bicker.

Jack put a bony hand to his skull in even more frustration, then pulled the sides of his mouth in opposite directions, making them somehow extend. You couldn't see the face he was making but it was most likely a scary one since he roared as he did this, making the trio gasp and huddle together in fear.

His expression changed back to a normal one as he spoke to the sack which was visibly shaking due to the poor pink mammal inside. "I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, sir." Then he went right back to the scolding face as he spoke to the kids. "Take him home first. And apologize again! Be careful with Sandy Claws when you fetch him! Treat him nicely!"

"Got it! We'll get it right next time!" With that they left the building and the doors shut behind them on their own.

Jack came back to the stage and dismissed the axe-headed 'man' after a few more instructions.

"Well, that appears to be everyone!" The mayor stated, he seemed relieved as he got down from his seat and began to walk out. "Wonderful." Jack smiled and went to shut the chest, but his smile faded when he pulled out a familiar picture frame.

"Oh no, what am I going to do..?" He thought aloud. "What is it?" You asked, walking up to him. "I almost forgot the most important detail! But... there's no one in town that could possibly be able to help with this..." He once again held his skull with one hand, looking very discouraged.

"What's the detail?" You tilted your head, placing one hand on his leg as comfort. Jack looked down at you then got onto his knees, showing you the picture. There was another picture taped over the original, it was of Jack wearing a Santa Claus outfit and holding a present, just like what you somewhat saw back when Jack first got the idea to make Christmas his own.

"My Sandy Claws outfit. I have no one who could be able to make it!" He explained, motioning to the picture.

That was when you remembered something. From age 5 till 9 your mother had taught you how to sew. You had a bit of a struggle with it at first, but after a while you really started to get the hang of it, and ever since then, you would often take time to practice so that you didn't become rusty.

"Maybe... I could make it?" You tilted your head at him.

Jack gaped at you in surprise.

"Really? You could?" He set the picture down and placed his hands on your shoulders.

You nodded with a smile. "My mom taught me how to sew and stuff, and I'm still kinda good at it, I think. I'm pretty sure I can do it."

Jack grinned and picked you up into the air, spinning you around excitedly, making you laugh. "Oh, (Y/n), this is great!" He pulled you into a hug, making you freeze in shock. The way he hugged you reminded you of how your father would do so when he came home every day from work. He would always be giving you a warm smile and would make you laugh, but now...

Just as you were about to hug him back after your sudden flashback, Jack set you back on the ground and once again presented you the picture. "Now, all you'll have to do is follow the pattern. This part's red, the trim is white." He pointed to each part of the outfit, making sure you understood. He then gave you the picture and led you out of the building.

"I'm sure Dr. Finkelstein will allow you to borrow his sewing machine, it used to belong to..." He paused, then shook his skull. "My apologies, forget that last part. Anyway, I'll take you to his laboratory and once you have every thing you need, you can get started! I have every confidence in you." He smiled down at you kindly as he said the last part.

You wondered what Jack was going to say, but you decided to leave him be. At the moment, all you could think about was the flashback and the memory of the dream you had last night.

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