Chapter 1

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"I don't want to go to some foster family!" You told the woman in a suit sadly. The woman sighed and knelt down to your level, putting her hands on your shoulders. "I know sweetie, but these people are very kind and loving, no one could be more perfect to take care of you then them!" She tried to reason with you.

You shook your head and stated angrily:  "My mom and dad were perfect for me, no one else could ever be!" The agent again sighed slightly, you could tell she was getting tired of your refusal. "(Y/n), please, I know this is hard for you, but your parents can't be here for you anymore, you know that." You tried not to tear up at that and said nothing.

"C'mon, let's get your stuff packed up and you into the car, okay? I promise everything will be fine, just give these people a chance and maybe you'll like them more than you think you will." With that she stood and went to your room. "I don't want to go... I won't!" You again turned her down in your mind.

That was when you got an idea. You could run for it since she wasn't around to stop you, you could hide and not have to go to the family! You ran to the door, turning the handle and pulling it open. You looked back at your home one last time, remembering all the memories you and your parents had shared here, then fought back tears as you ran through the door and closed it behind you.

You ran down the first street you saw not caring where you went, just focusing on getting away from the woman. After a while you noticed people were no longer trick-or-treating and the lights in peoples houses were beginning to go out, leaving the streetlights as the only light source. You were starting to feel that you weren't anywhere near your house anymore, so you decided to take a break and hid behind a nearby trash bin.

You panted for breath and tried to think of what you could do know, then realized you had never seen this street before, nothing here looked at all familiar to you.

You had gotten lost.

"Oh no... What do I do now..?" You whimpered fearfully. Once you caught your breath you stood and tried to find somewhere safe you could go to. You walked along the dark streets of the town for what felt like hours, still not having any idea where you were going. Until you noticed the woods nearby, no one ever went into those woods, it was rumored that on Halloween those woods were where the monsters came from and disappeared to. There were many rumors of the monsters of Halloween, including one about a very famous skeleton, you never knew the name of it, but it made you curious.

This curiosity made you wonder what would happen if you went into the woods.

Would you find a monster? Or maybe something else?

Well, there was only one way to find out.

You walked into the woods, looking around at the surroundings. There were mostly trees, and leaves of colors like orange and yellow covered the ground beneath your feet. A few minutes went by, and the woods seemed to get darker the further you went in. Then finally, you saw something odd, there was a tree with a Jack-O-Lantern on the front of it. "Whoa..." You whispered.

You walked up to the tree in fascination, wondering why it looked this way. The Jack-O-Lantern was orange and had a very spooky face on it like most have, it looked as though it was carved into the tree. You slowly reached out and touched it, and without warning the pumpkin's triangular nose turned, and the pumpkin-like door slowly swung open, revealing a large hole in the tree. You were shocked, yet curious, so you leaned over to look into the hole, wondering where it led. But all you saw was darkness, then suddenly, you felt a strong breeze begin you blow against you, making you lose your balance and fall into the hole.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" You cried as you fell, your voice echoing into nothingness. You didn't know what you had gotten yourself into, but whatever it was, you hoped it wasn't anything too dangerous.

You eventually felt your consciousness begin to fade and in a matter of seconds you blacked out, feeling nothing as you continued to fall deeper and deeper down into the hole.

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