Chapter 2

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Your first thought was of how you seemed to be on the ground. When you fully woke up you found that you were sprawled on the ground face down. You groaned a little as you pushed yourself up, trying to think of what had happened, then you noticed something different about yourself. Your hands were a dark grey color, and your once orange colored sweater was filthy and ragged, with its color faded.

You got on your knees and held your hands up in front of your face in disbelief. Your nails were nearly black with dirt and grime, and you could see bone in some places on your hands where skin had seemingly rotted away. You looked down at yourself and saw your pants were in the same condition as your sweater, covered in filth and faded, only they seemed to be ripped in some places.

You noticed something else that was very odd, you could only see through your right eye. The left showed nothing but black emptiness. You put a hand on it but only felt an empty socket, your left eye was completely gone. Your skin felt cold like ice, yet you didn't feel cold in the slightest, it was as if you were numb.

You stood, noticing your sneakers were just like the rest of you, faded and worn out. You tried to figure out why you had changed so much but you didn't have a clue, you were stumped. "How did this happen..?" You mumbled. Your voice was much raspier than before, it startled you when you heard it at first.

"Maybe I should look around, maybe if I can figure out where I am I can get some answers." You thought. You looked around as you thought to do and noticed you were in a completely different kind of woods. All the trees were completely dead, and there was absolutely no color at all, even the sky was a dark grey.

"Where am I?" You wondered. You looked straight ahead seeing there was a pathway, so you walked along it. All the trees you saw were grey, and some were black due to the shadows that cascaded over them, it was fascinating in a way. You heard what sounded like singing out of nowhere and you ran to follow the voices, wondering who they were coming from.

Once you had reached the end of the woods you saw a huge graveyard, filled with Jack-O-lanterns and gravestones. The moon was large and had a dim yellow glow to it, it was the closest thing to color you could find besides the pumpkins. There was a hill that seemed to be curled up in a way, it was perfectly aligned with the moon, creating a shockingly beautiful picture.

You carefully walked around and noticed a tall metal gate. As you walked over to it you noticed a unique grave among the others, it seemed to be a dog's grave. It was a small dog house with a dog-like skull, and the name 'Zero' was engraved above it.

You felt sad for the dog, hoping it was sleeping peacefully, then continued on your way. You carefully pushed through the gate and pushed it back shut, then walked further along. You noticed another big gate, only this one seemed to only be able to open by being risen up. As you got closer you heard music playing, it sounded somewhat saddening, yet you found it beautiful as well.

You stepped to the gate and it rose up, allowing you inside. You saw three disfigured men playing instruments, the smallest one was playing something that reminded you of a saxophone, yet it looked is if it were just a simple horn. The tallest one was playing an accordion that seemed to be a dead fish, one end was a fish head and the other was a tail, yet he played it simply. And the one that seemed to be right in the middle as far as height went, was playing something similar to a base.

You wished you could give them some money, but you were penniless. The one playing the horn suddenly stopped and looked at you as you walked by. "Well well, I don't think I've ever seen you before, it's pretty rare to ever see any new faces around here, you know." You stopped walking and turned to him. "What's your name kid?" He asked.

The creature-like man didn't seem dangerous, so you answered him. "My name is (Y/n)." He nodded, humming a little. "I won't keep you, miss (Y/n), go on back to your business." He said, then went back to playing. You smiled a little and nodded, walking away with a small: "Bye."

You gasped slightly at the scene before you. There were monsters of every kind at every turn; Vampires, witches, ghosts, zombies, and many more, and they were singing for some reason. But what caught your attention the most, was the unbelievably tall skeleton that emerged from a fountain that had somehow green liquid inside it.

He was the most amazing and friendly looking of them all if you had to be honest, he was certainly the least terrifying as far as appearance went. The monsters finished their song, then clapped and cheered. They seemed to be congratulating one another on a well celebrated Halloween.

"Great Halloween, everybody!" A short man with an odd face that wore a big top hat and suit said, he had a ribbon on him that read 'Mayor'. "I believe it was our most horrible yet. Thank you, everyone. " The skeleton stated proudly. "No! Thanks to you, Jack. Without your brilliant leadership..."

He was cut off by the skeleton. "Not at all, Mayor." All the monsters began giving the skeleton apparently known as Jack their praises, you were surprised those were supposed to be compliments, most of them sounded like insults. Jack seemed to be getting uncomfortable with all the monsters crowding around him, so he tried to back away. The monsters stopped when the mayor said that it was time to give out awards for some reason, and Jack made his escape.

He walked past you without even noticing, he seemed to be sad all of the sudden.

And of course, being the curious child you were, you decided to follow him to find out why.

Jack Skellington X Child!ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ