Chapter 8

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You were surrounded in darkness and had no ability to move your body at all, you were a bit uneasy to say the least. "Where... am I? What's going on?" You thought. As you tried to look around, your gaze was suddenly transfixed on single image. At first it was hard to see, but as it came into focus it turned out to be a simple stick. But, it slowly formed into some kind of tiny Christmas tree, it began to grow branches and small little decorations appeared on it.

The small stick spun around, allowing you to fully see its transformation in all its glory, but after mere moments the whole thing burst into flames, and the small stick was burned to a crisp. You couldn't help but feel sad for the stick despite its short existence, and what's worse, you had a very frightening feeling in your gut, if you still had one anyway.

After mere moments the stick slowly vanished, and you felt yourself fading into the darkness along with it.

You could feel yourself wrapped up in a blanket, and you sighed a little in relief when you realized you had just been having some kind of odd dream. But, the feeling of dread that you had before still lingered.

You were somewhat startled by the sudden sound of a rooster giving a painfully off-key crow, signaling that it was pretty early in the morning. After that, you began to hear voices from the distance, you weren't sure how or why you were able to hear them, but you could. And what's stranger, was they were singing.

Everyone must really, really, like to sing here.

The first to sing sounded like the vampires, the three were singing in unison.

Something's up with Jack, something's up with Jack

Don't know if we're ever going to get him back

You heard a more gruff and deep voice sing next, you recognized it as the werewolf's.

He's all alone up there, locked away inside

Next, you heard the zombie woman and child.

Never says a word

Hope he hasn't died

Then the vampires and werewolf all sang together.

Something's up with Jack, something's up with Jack

You somewhat hesitantly sat up, looking around and wondering what exactly they meant. But as you looked to see a certain skeleton pacing around back and forth, you began to understand. You were pretty sure he hadn't slept at all last night, judging by how his empty holes for eyes looked a bit more groggy. And as if he also heard the voices, he started singing as well.

He put a bone hand to his skull as he began.

Christmas time is buzzing in my skull

Will it let me be, I cannot tell

He walked over to a desk with a house of cards on it. He picked up two of the unused cards and examined them before carefully placing them together on the top.

There's so many things I cannot grasp

When I think I've got it and then at last

He sat in his chair and looked at his hand for a moment, then the entire house of cards suddenly collapsed, making him turn to them in shock and put an arm up in defense. After a second he make a look of frustration and backhanded the cards with the arm he had held up.

Through my bony fingers it does slip

Like a snowflake in a fiery grip

Jack Skellington X Child!ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz