Chapter 9

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An hour after Jack's announcement, he had the entire town form a line at Town Hall where each monster would be given some sort of task or a number of requirements for something that they would need to fulfill.

You watched quietly as Jack talked to each creature that came walking in, giving them all a different job to do, in the mean time getting acquainted with the mayor. He was a sheepish and comical fellow, and he was quite frail as far as having self-confidence and bravery for one moment and then switching to completely terrified and anxious went. His mood could be so easily switched up by even the slightest thing, it was actually cute yet sad in a way. You could fully understand why he had two faces now.

"Well, miss (Y/n), as mayor I am very pleased to personally welcome you to Halloween town!" His smiling face was presented to you, showing you how happy he was.

You smiled back and nodded. "And I'm very happy to be here." You replied. You truly did like it here a lot even though it hadn't really been that long since you first arrived, but the small amount of time you had already spent here was amazing nonetheless!

You weren't really listening to all the chatter that was going on, but when you suddenly heard the sound of a baby doll you turned to look.

"What kind of noise is that for a baby to make?" The skinny vampire that was holding the baby doll asked.

"Perhaps it can be improved?" Jack asked hopefully.

"No problem!" The shortest vampire stated.

"I knew it!" Jack exclaimed happily.

As the vampires left, a man-like creature in a wheelchair rolled in. His head had eight screws around the forehead and he had small, black goggles over his eyes, plus his mouth was inhumanly deformed, it somewhat reminded you of an alligator's since it was so crooked looking. He wore a large white coat that researchers or doctors would wear along with black gloves, his hands were surprisingly tiny. His legs were pretty thin as well and he had small black shoes on his feet.

"Doctor! Thank you for coming!" Jack seemed delighted to see him. You, however, were of course pretty shy so you hid behind the mayor's podium, thankfully he didn't mind.

"We need some of these," Jack told him, and you peaked to see he was showing him a picture in a book, but you couldn't see what. "Hmm, their construction should be exceedingly simple, I think." The doctor said. "How horrible our Christmas will be!" The mayor seemed enthusiastic.

"No," Jack waved a bony finger as he dragged out the word, making the mayor switch to his scared face and lean closer. "How 'jolly'!" He corrected. "Oh... how jolly our Christmas will be..." He seemed a lot more nervous now.

As the doctor began to leave, he paused. "Oh? And who is this little one?" You looked over and saw him looking at you.

"Ah, yes! I almost forgot! You weren't at the town meeting so you didn't get to meet her." Jack pointed out, stepping to you. He took your hand and led you closer to him, whispering: "This is the doctor I went to visit, he's a very good man, I assure you!"

"Doctor, this is (Y/n)! She's new here in town and I'm very happy to have her here. (Y/n), this is Doctor Finkelstein, the go-to man for any and all research purposes." Jack introduced you both, motioning each one to the other.

"It's very nice to meet you young lady." Doctor Finkelstein looked at you expectantly with a crooked smile, offering a hand. You took it shyly and shook with him for a moment.

"I-It's nice to meet you too, sir." You nodded, smiling slightly.

He seemed to chuckle a little. "Finally, a child around here that has some respect." He said before he wheeled away.

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