fourteen- it shouldnt have happened. - TW

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Lances POV

Flashback - 5 years ago

"Hello class! Today we are going to be doing our current event projects. Your going to go onto many news websites to find out information about what happened in the last week. You're going to state when it happened, is it local, global, or others and these will be handed in at the end of class for a quiz grade." The teacher explained. I rolled my eyes at the fact i had to do so much work. "UGH!" I whispered to himself. I sat at a computer and typed in a random news website. I plugged in my earphones and pressed 'live tv' "If I'm going to be doing that much work I'd rather watch it then read it." I whispered in his slight Cuban accent. "On a unfortunate topic a family of 4 was killed this morning. They're from the city Altea. One of the family members of the household is announced alive and is being held at a hospital near by." The news reporter said while the channel was showing pictures of the town and of the house it happened at. "Why does that house look so familiar?" I mumbled to myself. He zoomed in on a photo of the house and realized it was his own. put his head down and started to cry. A teacher ran to me. "Lance mi amor, what's the matter?" She Said quietly. I felt a crowd surround me. "They killed them." I mumbled tears streaming down my face. "Who lance?" I picked my head up. "Ma familia!" The teachers face went from genuine to upset. She gave me a gesture to come with her. She took me to the counselor and sat next to me. I looked down the whole time. I didnt want them to register how I was feeling. How scared I was I would be taken away from the rest of my family. Multiple people walked into the office and I soon found out they were my older siblings. "Veronica! Luis!" I shouted as I saw each of them. "I'm sorry that all of you guys had to find out his way." The counselor said in a sad tone and took a slight pause. "Your brother Marco will be picking you up and will be taking care of you until we find out if your family will be okay."


Back to the present

   Tears started to form in my eyes. As I laid in bed. "I can't be like this. I have to be strong. For Keith."

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