one - how we met

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A/n most of these chapters are on Keiths POV so don't hate me if sometimes I put kpov 💕

Keiths POV


    Lotor thrusting and I am crying. He continues to thrust and watched me cry. Tears flowing. Enough to fill a pool. He wouldn't stop unless he wanted to. "Lotor pl-please stop!" I shouted. He cut me with his knife across my stomach. The pain felt so real.

    Then, I woke up. I bolted up screaming. Tears rolling down my face like in my dream. I got up and went to the bathroom. I took a razor and started to cut. Every cut leaving more and more blood. Every drip of blood meaning something. Pain, loss, loneliness, my family, anxiety, and everything else that was wrong with me. I want to kill myself. But will I? No. I need to stay strong. For Shiro.

Time skip to next day School Lunch

    I normally don't eat at lunch. I sit with Shiro and Adam at lunch. "Hey ,Keith! I found a new kid roaming the halls. He's sitting with us today is that cool?" Shiro said starting to sit down with Adam and the new kid next to him. I nodded yes and looked at the new kid. He was sort of admirable. "Hi, I'm Lance." He said holding out his hand implying me to shake it. I pulled down my sleeve on my oversized hoodie and shook his hand. "Keith", I said softly and pulling my hand away. I shifted my head to my phone and started to use it.

New message from Scarface (Shiro)

Scarface: you good?
Emodumbass (me): I'm fine.

    I put my phone on silent and put it into my pocket. Shiro opened his lunch bag that contained a Salami and provolone sandwich with a side of kiwi and a Gatorade. He handed me a apple sauce and a spoon. "You really didn't have to." I Said pushing it away slightly my sleeve pulled up alittle bit because my sleeve rubbed against the side of the table. I fastly pulled away my arm pulling down my sleeve. I caught lance glaring at my wrists for the rest of the lunch period. After lunch lance and I had some classes together.

Time skip to the bus pickup.

    "Keith wait up!" Shiro said Chasing after me with Lance and Adam. I turned around and looked at him. "I decided we are gonna go to your place for our Friday plans. So we are going on the bus with you." Shiro added. It didn't really bother me because his family owns the apartment building I live in. And they haven't been charging me. "Come on." I walked them to my bus and all of us got on. Fifteen minutes later we got to my apartment. It was a studio so everything was sort of crammed. The apartment was a mess. "I would've cleaned up if you told me in advance." I Said looking at the mess. It wasn't like garbage everywhere it was just a pile of my clothes that was spreading around the apartment slowly. Shiro made his way to the kitchen. "Keith why don't you have any food?" Shiro asked going through everything in my kitchen. I sat on my futon and turnt on the tv. "Because i don't eat. And even if I did I don't have money." I Said staring off at the tv.

    I started to think and ran to the bathroom. I don't need Shiro, Adam or lance to find my razors. I don't need Lance to find my testosterone shots. Because I didn't want him to know I'm transgender. Shiro appeared at the door. "So whatcha hiding?" Popped out of his mouth. I turnt around because I was putting my razors and my testosterone shots underneath the sink. "My t-shots." I mouthed. He nodded and walked away. I closed the cabinet and walked out of the bathroom.

    "What do you guys want to do?" Lance asked. "Our other friends should be getting here any minute." I Said. I didn't really want to do anything I was planning on once I got home was to sleep.

    Minutes later Pidge pounced into the apartment. "Hey gay fuckers!" Pidge shouted. Pidge is the type of person that makes offensive jokes but doesn't mean any of it. She jumped onto the futon. "How's my favorite tranny!?" She shouted. Shiro, Adam and lance looked at me. I was looking at the floor. "Pidge meet lance." I said looking at the ground. "Nice to meet you." Lance said. "You too." She gave a polite smile and waved. I pushed her off of me and got up and walked to the bathroom. It was the only place that I could be alone in the apartment. I sat on the ground and wrapped my arms around my knees and tucked my head inbetween my knees. I cried softly.

    A short knock came to the door. "Leave me alone." I Said. "Come on I want to talk to you." Lance said. I unlocked the door. He came in and sat on the floor on the other side of me. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm fine I guess." I replied. We continued to talk for a half hour and we hit it off. And eventually when we were talking I loosened up to him. "You know what Keith Kogane. You are the cutest boy Ive ever met." He blurted out with his cheeks a little rosy. I felt my face get slightly warm. We stared into each other's eyes for a while and we started to get closer and closer. and then we kissed. Every second getting more and more interesting. The longer we kissed the more interesting and it made me want to explore him a while longer.

Word Count: 970

guys read my new story garrison high or ill visually assault you.

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