Chapter 20: Belle

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Both Leo and Belle found themselves in the castle.

Belle awoke first. She saw a candelabra that sat by the bed.

"How did that get there?" she wondered.

"You are going to scare her you idiot" said another voice.

Belle sat up in bed, to find a clock on the other side.

"I must be dreaming. I can't believe I thought a clock was talking to me!"

"I am not a clock!" said the clock. "I am Cogsworth. Timekeeper of the castle. I much appreciate being called by my real name."


"I am Lumiere" said the candelabra, kissing her hand and getting some wax on it. "I am so sorry for scaring you mademoiselle."

A feather duster flew across the room, slapping Lumiere before heading on her way.

"Who's that?"

"Oh.. she? An ex-girlfriend of mine. There's a lot going on with that story. Anyway, we are so glad that you are here so that we can finally put an end to this stupid curse and save the prince once and for all."

"Yes. I'm beginning to know a little bit about it."

"Really? How did you hear?" said an old woman's voice.

She turned to see a jumping pot approaching her direction, followed by a little chipped teacup on the side.

"I did some research before coming. Saw some news in the paper."

"What paper?" asked all the furniture.

"A little news pamphlet that is passed around in our village" she said, eyeing the furniture now peering at her now. They all looked completely oblivious to modern inventions, that it suddenly dawned on her that the residents of the castle did not realize that they were in Fairyworld at all.

She noticed Leo was sleeping. He was still in his human form. Though, he did toss and turn in his sleep a little. He started to turn back into his form very slowly.

"Mon cherie, we want to thank you for saving the master's life" said Lumiere.

Belle didn't know what to say. Was it that his mother would want her to lie in order to gain the favor of the prince? After all, she did say that if she got Leo to fall in love with her that she would be out of Fairyworld forever. So she nodded and smiled.

"It was my pleasure to save such a powerful person."

"The master is a bit temperamental, but you will get used to him eventually. He doesn't mean to be as hard and closed off as he is, he has had a hard childhood."

Belle rolled her eyes at this internally. Of course, they all had a bad childhood. She just smiled however.

"Ugh" said Leo, completely in his human form at this point. He opened his eyes.

"You" he growled.

"Your highness" admonished Mrs. Potts, "Is that anyway to greet the woman that saved your life?"

"She saved my life?"

"Yes" said Mrs. Potts. "We saw her ourselves. Lumiere and Cogworth had to lead her in, hauled you in a sleigh, carrying you all the way up the hill from a pack of wolves.

Leo stared at her.

"I underestimated you."

"I suppose that's your way of saying thank you" she said.

"Yes" he replied, smiling. "Thank you Belle."


It didn't take too long to get to know Leo. He appeared to be really grumpy, but his inside was easy to see the way that he cared for the people in the castle around him.

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