Part 1: Chapter 1: Clavis

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Clavis gazed out her window. It was then she saw a man on a horse approach upon the field. He slowed and then stopped. The knight dismounted the gelding before walking up as the girl looked on.

It was Lord Campbell. He had just arrived from England where he had made agreements with the King for protection of Scotland.

She was a young maiden, too young to catch his eyes.

He was a strapping young man that had grown tall enough to be a warrior, but still with the mind of a child. He had been like her older brother that summer.

He smiled and motioned for her to come to him. She didn't. Something didn't seem right.

"What's going on?"

The smile turned into a glare. McDougal transformed into a harpie. It let out a cry before pointing it's sword and flying towards the window.

She gathered her skirts, running away from the window. She trilled.

"There are men! They are coming! Prepare yourself lassies!"

It was true - wherever a harpie appeared, it was soon followed by bandits. The Vikings, very popular at the time, could be heard from miles away. The sound first came as their horn, then the sound of crying men.

There was no time to find a way to defend the castle, nor any men to help the women left within it. The castle from her father was to be for her future husband, leaving many of the castle defenseless. There was no time to find family.

She trilled loud and hard - the piercing cry of a witch!

The castle members scrambled about her. Already a bell was being sounded as the village prepared for the raid.

She put on a dark cloak to hide her flaming red hair. She mounted on her black horse and set off.

Already, there were many harpies now but they were too busy attacking random people in a search for her.

She scrambled into the forests, passing by the creek on her way to the mountain where the great standings tones awaited her. Already her sisters were there, preparing for Samhain. Candles were lit, and totem animals stood about. It was going to be a grand festival.

"Sisters! The Olympians have come! We must make haste!"

The ladies, already dressed in their ceremonial garb, had begun to dance around as they chanted to open the portal.

Clavis ran to the cottage on the hill where her fellow druids had gathered their documents of the fairy world, a land where well devotees could cross once they had practiced their magic. All her life she had dreamed of going to the realm of the fae, and now it was finally to happen.

The document they searched for was very important for it was a journal that hid the secrets of the Witches, all the way from the old days of Atlantis. If the Gods were to have their hands on it, they would have the power to destroy all fae and magical creatures, thus separating the portal between god and man forever.

They rushed back to find the dancing had stopped. The portal had already been opened.

One of the girls was taken hostage by a harpie holding a knife poised at her throat.

"I am not expecting any funny business Mrs..."

"McClavis" said the redhead princess.

"Correct. It is my understanding your clan has one of the last surviving witch groups in the British Isles. I am sure Lord Zeus wouldn't mind taking you all as prisoners."

Clavis raised the papers as the other lady's eyes popped.

"No Clavis! Not the journal!" protested one of them.

"This is what you're looking for?"

The harpie smiled.

"However, you have to let my friends go."

The friends walked one by one, disappearing into the portal.

"I can't wait to see your magical world.


The portal closed."

"These aren't the documents by the way. The other woman with me? I slid the journal within her pocket, and we made a duplicate for this occasion. Seriously... I can't imagine harpies could be so stupid" complained Clavis.

He slit her throat.


Hermes flew on his feet to the shores of Mount Olympus. It was a glowing mountain, full of light and crossed with thunder and clouds. A grand city stood, taller and with more gold than all of ancient Egypt or Rome. Within each building was a home for the Gods, accompanied with their servants that lived hundreds upon hundreds of years just to be blessed enough to do their will.

Here the Olympians awaited his arrival. They stood on the cloud awaiting as they always did, constantly talking and bickering. This area was exclusive to the Gods, a constant center for diplomacy and control.

"Finally Hermes is here" muttered Aphrodite. She twiddled her hair with her fingers and took another glance in the mirror.

Zeus sat angrily at his throne as the others chatted about him. Without speaking, Zeus could tell from the look on Hermes' face that the mission had failed.

"What will I tell the other gods? You can't expect me to maintain our world up here if we are constantly failing at diplomacy" claimed Zeus. "I do everything for the lot of you and I am continually disappointed."

"You must make a plan Lord Zeus" said Hera. "if any of the Gods realms were to be revealed, our power over the quantum universe would be over as we speak."

Zeus turned to his wife. Feeling his eyes on her, she shrunk lower within her throned seat.

"Which is why we must diminish women's power and instead spread the Abrahamic religions" stated Zeus.

The other female gods rolled their eyes at this comment. They had long heard and dealt with Zeus's misogyny.

"Christ would have never wanted his teachings to be used for evil. Nor would the prophet Muhammad" said Athena.

"I didn't know you thought so lowly of me. I've been nothing but loyal as you've continued your affairs" said Hera.

"Silence woman!" roared Zeus, and as he muttered the words, Hera's mouth zipped shut. She rolled her eyes. Sooner or later, he would need her again. He always did.

"Zeus, I mean not to anger, but surely you know that my daughter can commune with beings of the higher realm. That has kept her sane for quite some time" said Artemis. "If we were to commune with a higher power, we might find that the quantum universe might not be meant to be ruled by the god and goddess."

"We've survived universe after universe crunching as we have maintained our power" said Zeus. "Our reign is not meant to end now, which is why I've decided to send a plague across Europe."

The Olympians gasped.

"Now this is what the humans need. They will surely give up their inquiries of the universe when they see others falling around them. They will blame themselves. Strive to not want more than they are given with the threat of a fiery hell."

The Gods never dared to challenge Zeus's authority, for he could easily ban them from Olympus for a time and leave them as horny animals to wander the Earth. So it was decreed that a plague would wipe across the world. When the witches decided oncemore that they wanted to challenge the Gods' authority, they would be ready with all the knowledge and power they had acquired over a millenia.

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