The River

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Scarlett laughed as the wind blew through her hair and the mud squirted up at her face. The ground was moist as the river streamed past quickly beside her.

"You can't catch me" she giggled and she turned around to face the small dark haired boy that was running behind her.

"Oh yes I can" he laughed as he began to run faster but he still didn't have the speed that was needed to catch the small blonde girl that was sprinting ahead. He was soon only a footstep behind her. Her long once blonde but now mud covered hair nearly hitting his face. The chase was on, any second now he would catch her and the game would be over. The sound of the children's laughter filled the foggy air as his hand drew closer to her back, he felt the soft material of her light pink t-shirt on his fingertips he closed his eyes.

"GOT-" he began to shout until her heard a large splash in front of him. Drops of water hit his face, he quickly opened his eyes, the small girl had disappeared from his view. He looked to where he had heard the splash. There, getting carried away by the strong current was the small girl!

"HELP!" She shouted in a squeaky high pitched voice.

"SCARLETT!" The boy shouted as he ran, trying to keep up with the fast flowing water.

"BEAU HELP ME!" She yelled again before her head was viciously pulled under by the water. Beau continued to run but was too slow, Scarlett had soon disappeared around a bend in the river. What now? Beau sprinted home as fast as he could.

"Hello?" Beau heard his mum say softy from downstairs. "Yes this is Gina, Gina Brooks. Is everything ok?" Beau got out of bed and quietly sat on the top of the stairs so his mum was in view. She let out a sigh of relief "Good" she said, a smile began to appear on her face. "Will it be possible for us to visit tomorrow? Me and the three boys?" Beau knew that the call was bout Scarlett. "Oh" Beau saw the smile in his mums face disappear "okay" she said quietly as she put down the phone.

"Is everything ok mum? How's Scarlett? Can we visit her, is she alright? Nothing serious right? Will she-" Beau was interrupted as his mum walked up the stairs and sat down next to him. She began to speak in a gently voice.

"Beau, I know that you're worried about Scarlett and want to see her but Mr and Mrs Jones don't want any visitors at the moment."

"Is she alright though?" Beau said quickly.

"Yes she's fine, she's just tired and in shock but she'll be out soon."

"Can we visit her when she's out then and bring her a present?"

"Beau, Scarlett told her parents what happened at the river. Is it true Beau?"

"What?" Beau asked confused

"Did you really push Scarlett into the river?"

"What?! No!" Beau shouted angrily "why would I do that?!"

"Beau! You know that you're not allowed by the river, how many times do I have to tell you! It's dangerous there. I knew that something like this would happen!?" Gina's voice was beginning to rise.

"But mum, I told you I didn't do it. I promise it wasn't my fault, she slipped!" Beau could feel his eyes filling up.

"Scarlett's parents are very angry with you Beau, they don't want you playing with Scarlett. Not for a very long time and they're thinking about moving back to England."

"No! They can't do that!" Scarlett's parents had always been strict. Beau never seemed to get along with them. His and Scarlett's family were so different. Scarlett lived in a large house with her parents. Their house had colossal rooms with flat screen tvs in every room. The furniture always looked new and each of the three floors were covered in expensive art work from all around the world where as Beau lived in a small three bed roomed house with his two brothers and his mum.

Beau knew that he was a bad influence, that he got Scarlett into trouble a lot, but he couldn't help it and this time it really wasn't his fault.

"Mum please believe me, it wasn't my fault, I didn't push Scarlett into the river, she fell!"

"I'm sorry Beau, I don't know what to believe with you anymore. Just go to your room!"


"BEAU!" Gina yelled as she pointed her finger towards Beaus bedroom. Beaus vision became blurry as he felt a tear slowly fall down his cheek. He ran to his bedroom slamming the door behind him.

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