Chapter 8: First Day On The Job

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A/N: Before we begin I have to ask. What do you guys think of Tessa? I know she was somewhat of a rushed introduction, but before this story came to be she and Fuyukuma were always a ship I had in my head when I started FH.

There was no greater feeling then waking up with a woman around you, granted it's never happened to me before. Usually when I woke up, I would immediately get up, get dressed, train, and do other things. But when I awoke to Tessa's lavender scent, it gave off an effect that put me in a state of drowsiness. I couldn't help but smile, fully, since no one was looking at me.

She was snoring so lightly, with her face comfortable in the crook of my neck and her arms draped lazily around my chest and shoulders. I didn't want to move, didn't want to wake her. She looked so adorable, that and I felt comfortable, probably the most comfortable in all the years I've been a warrior.

Gently kissing her forehead, she let out a small squeak of delight, before turning over. This alllowed me to slip out of bed. Quickly throwing on some pants and fold over shirt, I made my down to the hold, where Rin was. I knocked on the door to one of the side rooms down there and hoped he wasn't, "pleasuring" himself.

I opened to door to his room to see that he's actually decorated it quite a bit. He moved out all of the empty boxes and put down all of his stuff, a comfortable futon, desk in the far corner, some art of women and scenery on the walls, and even a bamboo plant near the door.

"Decorating?" I began as I saw Rin at the desk, writing something on a scroll. He set down his brush and looked over at me. The guy looked like a kid, but he was technically, only being an adult for possibly a few months.

"Yeah. While you and Tessa got busy last night I went and retrieved all of my stuff from my house, and sold it to some wanderer." He turned back and resumed writing. I walked over to his wall and looked at all the paintings. They weren't anything too special, just normal by our standards for decoration. But I noticed a small box at my feet, and a bunch of scrolls and books in them. Grabbing a scroll and opening it up, it was a drawing of a naked woman.

"Porn?" I flatly inquired while looking back at Rin. He didn't meet my eyes as he answered.

"Got to fill my time with something. Want me to paint you something?" Rin asked me and I realized something. These were all his. So, he became an artist in my absence, well, as he said he had to fill his time with something.

"Can one of home?" I asked him. Ever since I returned I never went back to the ruins of my home, Yukitaun. It was most likely a rotten pile of rubble. But thankfully no bodies would be found, I made sure of that. It took me over six hours that day to bury all of our people, and I made sure that the vault beneath the main estate that contained our riches was secure. I grabbed pendant that still hung around my neck, and ran my finger across it. It was the bladed snowflake, our family's sigil. It was also a key to the vault. My parent's both carried one, and it needed two to open.

"Home...yeah. Yeah I can do that boss. I still remember how the front of the estate looked...gods what I wouldn't do to step in it one more time." Rin sounded imaginative, as he looked up to the ceiling and thought about being home. I did too for a moment, but I needed to get back on the task at hand.

"You said you had information on our target?" I asked Rin while I walked over to where he was and looked to what he was writing. It was a poem of some kind.

"Right." Rin lowered the brush and turned his seat so he faced me. I leaned on the wall so I wouldn't just be standing. "I didn't get info per say until this morning, but I still got it. While the two of you got busy last night I put the word out for our target, Gunnar. Bravos, a friend who owed me one for giving his daughter herbs to treat a sickness, spotted Gunnar at a bar owned by Toddi this morning. He's not alone, and is prepared for Bounty Hunters. Bravos told me that Gunnar has a small band, about five, of Blackstone mercenaries." Great, even after they fell, these fuckers didn't know when to quit. Also I need to inform Rin later on what knocking is, and when to wait for an answer.

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